Canada's unemployment rate falls to 8.0 per cent..........

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Member since: Feb 07
Posts: 135

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 12:07:33

All these statistics that the government keeps putting out from time to time, means nothing to a person who has just lost a job or has been without work for a long time and struggling to put food on the table.

Member since: May 06
Posts: 849

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 13:22:54

Originally posted by febpreet

Originally posted by web2000

Originally posted by meghal

My view from personal experience

Come up with a way to beat China/India.

It is too late now.

I am afraid there's never too late for anything when it comes to an efficient running of the economy. All it takes is a visionary leader alongwith the favourable market forces/conditions. Most importantly, who could predict the future? When they couldn't predict the demise of Soviet Union, the ongoing recession the world over, and the baap of them all 'The Great Depression', do you think it could ever be late for anything good, especially for any country's economy? There involves a various factors.

You never know when the tide will turn. As they say, When good times didn't last, bad will go away as well. There's a cycle of everything, and I am sure employment will pick up - just a matter of time.

All's not doomed in Canada :).

It is a competitive world. Whatever u do the others will also do. The problem is the cost of production which is much higher in Canada. You cannot run business by emotions.

Tide will turn but it will take decades for that to happen. This is not the first time east is booming. This cycle was there few centuries before. But unfortunately, the current generation in west will never see the turn of tide.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 13:33:32


It is a competitive world. Whatever u do the others will also do. The problem is the cost of production which is much higher in Canada. You cannot run business by emotions.

Tide will turn but it will take decades for that to happen. This is not the first time east is booming. This cycle was there few centuries before. But unfortunately, the current generation in west will never see the turn of tide.

We'll see! As I said, no-one could predict future. I am more optimistic and see years than decades in my view. I know that the businesses/economy does not run merely on emotions but Canada is nowhere near all gloom and doom. Sorry, if I can't foresee that. Couldn't help my less analytical mind.

You must also know that economy has a cyclic tendancy, and it's not my emotions but a plain Economist say as well.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 13:52:08

Originally posted by ashedfc

Jim Rogers: published today --- "He said that the Great Britain was the world power of the 19th century, the United States the power of the 20th century and that China will be the world power of 21st century".

Look at the currency war currently going on, no one can budge against China. Its all China - India is just tailgaiting & has a long long way to go..

Just speaking hypothetically. What happens if the West and it's allies (say, Europe) move all their factories to other under-developed nations in the course of this currency War? Where would China end up being at? Or, what happens if they decide to move their back-office operations to any other country, e.g. Philipines (highest English speaking workforce next to India). This is more important in the wake of rising salaries for back-office and IT professionals. Where would it leave India? Does it have enough resources to lift it's economy based on the declining Agricuture and manufacturing having rampant curruption in Govt. offices and no zeal to modernize them? I know cost of this move will be enormous, but there's always an extent to which any country go beyond.

I am not saying China is not progressing and will not be a Superpower in the coming decade, but just presenting an alternate viewpoint/hypothesis.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 14:00:27

Originally posted by febpreet

Just speaking hypothetically. What happens if the West and it's allies (say, Europe) move all their factories to other under-developed nations in the course of this currency War? Where would China end up being at? Or, what happens if they decide to move their back-office operations to any other country, e.g. Philipines (highest English speaking workforce next to India). This is more important in the wake of rising salaries for back-office and IT professionals. Where would it leave India? Does it have enough resources to lift it's economy based on the declining Agricuture and manufacturing having rampant curruption in Govt. offices and no zeal to modernize them? I know cost of this move will be enormous, but there's always an extent to which any country go beyond.

I am not saying China is not progressing and will not be a Superpower in the coming decade, but just presenting an alternate viewpoint/hypothesis.

It has been happening already, maybe not in mass. My ex-employer moved production to Mexico, they became expensive, moved them to China, they became expensive and then moved it to Vietnam.

In fact, Chinese tend to have difficulty obtaining visa to Mexico because of this spit and spat going on (not that it is any more difficult to drive into Mexico without a visa which the Chinese ended up doing with the help of few enterprising co-workers !!!! )


Member since: May 06
Posts: 849

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 15:07:47

Originally posted by febpreet

Originally posted by ashedfc

Jim Rogers: published today --- "He said that the Great Britain was the world power of the 19th century, the United States the power of the 20th century and that China will be the world power of 21st century".

Look at the currency war currently going on, no one can budge against China. Its all China - India is just tailgaiting & has a long long way to go..

Just speaking hypothetically. What happens if the West and it's allies (say, Europe) move all their factories to other under-developed nations in the course of this currency War? Where would China end up being at? Or, what happens if they decide to move their back-office operations to any other country, e.g. Philipines (highest English speaking workforce next to India). This is more important in the wake of rising salaries for back-office and IT professionals. Where would it leave India? Does it have enough resources to lift it's economy based on the declining Agricuture and manufacturing having rampant curruption in Govt. offices and no zeal to modernize them? I know cost of this move will be enormous, but there's always an extent to which any country go beyond.

I am not saying China is not progressing and will not be a Superpower in the coming decade, but just presenting an alternate viewpoint/hypothesis.

U r applying too many ifs. It is not a question that India/China is booming. But the problem is of NA, their mentality of "We are the best" will put NA in nowhere.

BTW, Philipines is also east Asian country if I am not mistaken.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-10-10 16:36:24


U r applying too many ifs. It is not a question that India/China is booming. But the problem is of NA, their mentality of "We are the best" will put NA in nowhere.

BTW, Philipines is also east Asian country if I am not mistaken.

Oh, Boy! :(

Future and uncertainty - thy name is 'Ifs'.

What's wrong with 'We are the best'?

When did I say Philipines is not an East Asian Country?

Contributors: febpreet(6) web2000(5) pratickm(3) dimple2001(3) meghal(3) chekram_04(2) NM(1) indiarocks(1) dan(1) Nightmare(1) Moving to Canada(1) RBO(1)

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