Our post landing experience..

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Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 135

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-05-04 13:31:05

7000 bucks is or atleast used to be lot of money in India. For most immigrants from India that kind of money in pocket AFTER having landed in Toronto is a dream and thats first factor that kills them.
Thats what I was trying to imply.
A person with sufficient funds to survive several initial months in Canada without the need to make a beeline for first available labor job of course can concentrate much harder on doing proper job search and upgrade himself. Thats what most people from rich countries do when they come here and as a result land better postings.
This tendency to run to labor jobs is one of the biggest factor that goes against south asians educated immigrants.
Positive attitude does matter of course but is not all. I know of several people that sent in as many 1000 resumes in 6 months doing everything they could everyday but did not even get any interview calls!!!
The reasons that prevent south asians from landing good jobs initially are manifold and require a careful, detailed study and can not be described based on one's own experience.


Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-05-04 14:04:19

Orginally posted by Chor_Per_Mor

Positive attitude does matter of course but is not all.

You will notice that this was what I was saying all long. So you do agree after all.

CPM, I think you are still missing my point...which AGAIN:
Is to try to encourage people who are CURRENTLY going through a bad time OR have JUST LANDED and looking for a break...to be +ve.

Do you think its more helpful to tell them that they are going to fail, based on statistics(which I do not dispute at all)?

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Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 135

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-05-04 14:24:13

I think it is more important to tell them the reasons why they are more prone to failure and dissapointment and even more importantly how to prepare for success or at least limit the damage.

The fact that a positive attitude is needed is a given reality. I dont think anyone leaves one's native place, cushy job and a well known and mastered culture for a totally unknown land without having faith in his/her abilities.

But the reasons that mar his chances need to be clearly pointed. otherwise when one starts seeing several thousand rupees of hard earned income being wiped out everyday without a job here, the positive attitude flies out of the window!

It is indeed commendable that you and Mishtar India have tried to point out positives for immigrants telling them that break may be around the corner. But if new immigrants come prepared for such initial powerful shocks they will surely not be affected by them and indeed will find their opportunity in due time.

One should try to present a clear and unbiased picture of ground situation in my opinion. Let the brave stand up and be counted to take the bull by the horns.


Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-05-04 14:42:48

You know that we are going around in circles? What comes first the chicken or the egg? :)

Let me assure you that neither you nor me are in a position to give ''unbiased picture of ground situation"...whatever else we may like to think. Our opinions are heavily biased by a lot of variables including our personal experiences :) .

I'll try to use your own words now...
Your efforts are to tell potential immigrants "why they are more prone to failure and dissapointment and even more importantly how to prepare for success or at least limit the damage."

The efforts of MI and myself have been to try to make sure that the "the positive attitude flies out of the window!" does not happen. This is for people who should not hear why they are prone to failure...cause they are experiencing failure already. They need to be told to keep trying because they are smart enough to know that they have to probably keep reinventing themselves inorder to succeed at this point.

Finally the goal of all of us is
"Let the brave stand up and be counted to take the bull by the horns."

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