What happens after we get the oci registration certificate.
Do we have to go thru extra documentation to do the following.
Quote from cgi
What will be issued after registration as OCI?
A Registration Certificate, like the Indian passport in appearance, will be issued, and a multiple entry, multi-purpose OCI 'U' visa sticker will be pasted on the foreign passport of the applicant. For this purpose, the applicant has to send the original foreign passport to the Indian Mission/Post after receipt of the acceptance letter/OCI Registration Certificate.
The last step in the OCI process is you have to submit your foreign passport. The consulate will do 2 things:
1. Apply a stamp i.e. visa in your foreign passport and
2. give you a OCI id card
That's it.
The OCI ID card is probably what's being referred to as the OCI registration certificate. Once you get that, you're ready to board the plane
Reiki Grand Master
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Reiki Grand Master
hmmm.....I can smell the freedom.....
Originally posted by sudesingh
That's it.
The OCI ID card is probably what's being referred to as the OCI registration certificate. Once you get that, you're ready to board the plane
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