I have heard about the Silicon Valley but I am in mid 40's, not a Director or very senior or something. Thinking (very early stages) of moving to the US.
Should it be California? But I believe cost of living is high there.
I am a CDN citizen, make around 70k in Mississauga, is it even worth it to move to the US?
Pondering on old age benefits, medical costs etc.
Hey CD's...any advise will be appreciated.
Carpe Diem
IT in silicon valley is no longer as lucrative and demanding as it was. But it all depends on your skills and experience. Try applying for jobs right from Canada itself. Land there with a job in hand. Yes the living is a bit expensive but you will love the weather. Once you are set in California, you don't like to move any other place.
Moving any where roughly under 100 KMS is a good idea. Off-late the Job market seem to be doing better there as the startups in San Francisco has started shooting up.
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
Thanks JRF and msdev!
Yes I am planning to relocate only with an offer in hand.
Carpe Diem
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