Historic verdict in webcam case : Ravi found guilty in 15 counts

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Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-03-12 09:03:10

One of the reason's this happened is the failure of Desi parents to educate their children that in Canada and US Gays and Lesbians should be treated with the same respect as other human beings.

Don't bring your own set of morals, culture or religion and expect Canada to change to your set of morals, culture or religion.

"Treat others as you want them to treat you. "

Here is a good blog post I found:

Have you been following the Dharun Ravi case in NJ? In case you’re unfamiliar, Tyler Clementi committed suicide after he found out his roommate, Dharun Ravi, had watched him via Webcam kissing another man.

As a result of Clementi’s death, Ravi was charged with invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, tampering with physical evidence, tampering with a witness and hindering apprehension. Today, the jury found him guilty of all those charges.

There’s no question that Clementi’s death was unfortunate, but it’s scary to think that what may have started out as a practical joke could send your kid to jail. Only Ravi knows what his intentions were when he set up the webcam, but haven’t we all played a practical joke that could have turned out for the worse? And let’s be honest, 20-year-olds are not exactly known for always making the smartest decisions. I honestly don’t think Ravi intended for his roommate to commit suicide and it’s scary to think that setting up a webcam in your room could lead to criminal charges.

My daughter is many years away from college, but as parents we have to start teaching our kids about these issues now. What they say and do can have repercussions even we as adults could never foresee, let alone a child. I’m not going into detail about Clementi jumping off a bridge with my three-year-old, but you better believe I am talking to her about respecting people who are different than she is and making sure she doesn’t cross boundaries.

What about you? What are your thoughts on the Ravi verdict? What lessons are you teaching your kid now so you don’t end up like Dharun Ravi’s parents, crying in a court room when your child is convicted of a crime that probably started off as a joke. Share your thoughts in the comments.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-03-12 09:24:57

Dharun Ravi's dad ravi phazani made his money through a successful software consulting business in NJ.

Apparently - he never thought it would be important to tell his kids about his humble roots from a poor country called India as seen by comment made by Dharun Ravi - “Dude I hate poor people,”


Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-03-12 09:36:34

One more nice article:

Ravi's dorm mates who did not object to webcam spying should search their hearts

Twelve Middlesex County jurors are now deciding whether Dharun Ravi is guilty of invasion of privacy, and if, when they look into his heart, they see hate. The kind of malice that accompanies a hate crime.

Ravi is the only one on trial — but there are plenty of other students who should be looking into their hearts as well.

The shame of Rutgers' Davidson Hall is that when countless students learned of Ravi’s plan to spy on fellow newcomer Tyler Clementi’s date, no one raised a peep of objection.

No one said, "Ummm...dude?"

No one texted, "not cool, buddy."

No one voiced concerns to an RA about the obvious cruelty scheduled to take place.

There is no testimony that anyone called a parent or Skyped a friend to get advice.

Even if one accepts Ravi’s claim that he was kidding, no one checked to make sure of that. ("The iChat thing tonight — you were just joking, right?";)

Finally, there is no evidence anyone warned Tyler.

The testimony would indicate he stumbled upon the plan simply by viewing Dharun’s Twitter page. He would have realized he could expect no help or compassion from the students in his dorm. Even if he changed rooms — as he had requested — he’d still be stuck with them as neighbors.

It would be high school all over again, only round-the-clock.

September — what a treacherous month it can be. We like to think this episode could only have happened in a month when brand-new freshmen are trying to get through each day without freaking out or flunking out.

Suddenly in charge of everything from their laundry to their food to their sleep, unbolstered by friends or family, it’s a time when self-esteem, even self-identity, can go all wobbly.

At it’s best, it can be a time of re-invention, of discovering new passions. At worst, it can be a time of painful re-evalution, as students move from the small pond of high school to the big pond of college.

And just as they are grappling with who they are, they must also figure out everyone around them. They’re trying to make friends, trying to fit in.

Into this setting came Ravi. By all accounts, what set him apart from the others was his prowess with computers. His technique for gaining popularity was to give someone the password to his wi-fi or to configure someone’s phone so his Tweets would appear as text messages.

And when opportunity presented itself in the form of a shy roommate with a mysterious visitor, Ravi may well have spotted a way to become the impresario of the dorm’s social life on a dull Tuesday night.

And how well he knew his audience! He correctly deduced the target of his ingenious webcam scheme would trigger no sympathy. It would be fun — so fun he bragged that some in the dorm were even having a "viewing party" with Bacardi and beer. (Don’t worry; no party took place.)

His webcam was aimed at the gay kid that night, but he might just as eagerly have trained it on the fat girl down the hall, or the odd-looking Amish kid. Perhaps he would’ve Tweeted, "Amish dude has a date. Video chat to see if she takes off her bonnet." Or: "I dare you to iChat me tonight. See the walrus in Rm 320 with her fat boyfriend."

It’s possible to hear the evidence and conclude Ravi acted not from bias, but solely to win the approval of friends, both new and old.

Would Ravi have persisted in his scheme if he’d had no audience? How might events have been different had anyone voiced disapproval?

Given the perils of September, it’s probably asking too much for a brand new friend to confront him face-to-face. That would produce a level of discomfort most 18-year-olds are unprepared to withstand.

But what about his friends from high school?

Eighteen months later, one of those new friends testified Dharun angled the webcam so it faced Tyler’s bed.

When the defense prefaced a question by referring to Dharun as a close friend, Lokesh Ojha protested: "How close can you actually get with someone you’ve known for three weeks?"

Exactly. Three weeks into college, you may not know who your friends are. Or should be.

You may even forget who you are. Or should be.

Contributors: Vandematram(4) brown_bear(3) Gurram(1) san-hugo(1) elmer fudd(1)

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