I landed as a PR in 2011. Lived here for 9 months and then went to my home country for 6 months stay. After that I came back to Canada. Now it's been a year since I came here again. Now I have a few questions:
1)My 6 months stay outside of Canada, may it be a problem?
2)I was living outside of Canada for those 6 months with my Canadian citizen husband and canadian citizen kids, is it in my favour in counting the absence from Canada as a presence as I was with Canadians ?
3)stay outside of Canada will be simply deducted as the no. Of days of those 6 months or with some penalty or more than I stayed outside of Canada.
4)What kind of residence proofs I need to prepare to proof my stay in Canada.
Thanks in Advance
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Originally posted by Amias
I landed as a PR in 2011. Lived here for 9 months and then went to my home country for 6 months stay. After that I came back to Canada. Now it's been a year since I came here again. Now I have a few questions:
1)My 6 months stay outside of Canada, may it be a problem?
2)I was living outside of Canada for those 6 months with my Canadian citizen husband and canadian citizen kids, is it in my favour in counting the absence from Canada as a presence as I was with Canadians ?
3)stay outside of Canada will be simply deducted as the no. Of days of those 6 months or with some penalty or more than I stayed outside of Canada.
4)What kind of residence proofs I need to prepare to proof my stay in Canada.
Thanks in Advance
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