Hello people,
I am a mechanical engineer and have pursued masters in construction management from India. I have put up an application for Express Entry Visa and have received Invitation to Apply. I am currently working as a project manager for a water solutions provider and have around 4 years of experience in Project execution and coordination.
Before I can go to Canada I need to have a job offer over there, my current financial condition don't support me to quit my current job. Could someone suggest a way to get a job offer from Canadian employers?? I have tried applying through LinkedIn but in vain.
Any guidance in this regard would be appreciated.
Best Regards
Originally posted by Arun888
Hello people,
I am a mechanical engineer and have pursued masters in construction management from India. I have put up an application for Express Entry Visa and have received Invitation to Apply. I am currently working as a project manager for a water solutions provider and have around 4 years of experience in Project execution and coordination.
Before I can go to Canada I need to have a job offer over there, my current financial condition don't support me to quit my current job. Could someone suggest a way to get a job offer from Canadian employers?? I have tried applying through LinkedIn but in vain.
Any guidance in this regard would be appreciated.
Best Regards
The greatest merits of a well-trained person is the hope that they may know well how to manage despair and patiently soldier on, in day labor or menial jobs, while getting the certification as qualified engineer is in progress during the first few years. They certainly do not wish to see new immigrants turn to street crimes for a living, as seems to be the case with many refugee entrants. Go ahead give it a shot and who knows, you may yet succeed and rise thru ranks. India is a disgusting, deplorable system so most everyone with or without training are scrabling to get out. In near future, India is to suffer from water, air and all manner of polution and general degradation of life. In fact, if you dare, you can be more constructive and helpful to that society than here. My visit to that place showed how messed up water quality is, even in sacred rivers like Ganges: trash and refuse, decaying human bodies thrown in after partial cremation and so on. However, people stand those dirty waters and pray to heavens! Even as 100s of towns people are defecating and relieving themselves just a few miles upstream!!
IF IT IS 30K DHIRAM/MONTH or more take it. 20-25 K/m will be a survival mode. You can save a little, if you share a room initially and cook your own meals. If it is your style GO FOR IT.
Hope this helps.
Pl. Drop me a note after you succeed.
Originally posted by Arun888
Hello people,
I am a mechanical engineer and have pursued masters in construction management from India. I have put up an application for Express Entry Visa and have received Invitation to Apply. I am currently working as a project manager for a water solutions provider and have around 4 years of experience in Project execution and coordination.
Before I can go to Canada I need to have a job offer over there, my current financial condition don't support me to quit my current job. Could someone suggest a way to get a job offer from Canadian employers?? I have tried applying through LinkedIn but in vain.
Any guidance in this regard would be appreciated.
Best Regards
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