My dual application refused last year awarded 66 units, I have BA, LL.B & Master (18 years studied) even then awarded 22 units in education factor, I said to her (Immigration officer), but refused, However, I again 'IELTS' exam, got 2 other units and filed new application with fresh fee, and file number has been alloted and advised me to wait 36 - 42 months, I am fedup and waiting.
My question are:
Q. She already, assessed, checked documents and me two times, and assesed all factors, no further need, requirement, Why is it in long process?
Q. Can, She again awarded 22 units, (I Master, 18 years studied)?
Q. I scored 70 units as per her assesment by refusaling letter so, Can, she minimize in other factors, (I afraid)
Q. How, can, I cover time factor, that, She call to interview immediatelly?
I feel, that they are punishmenting me, and have been suffering for 5 years, I couldn't make future plan in Pakistan, and waiting waiting also spend two times fee and other expenses, but result is wait.
Please help and guide me
Please fa
frankly giving you advice brother, first please please and please check your english. there is not a single line in your post which is correct. I am not making fun of u but i am asking you so after coming here u don't face ny problem in communication.
2nd u might have done your masters privately or correspondent from univ. and she might be right cause u r not the only person whose docements are evauluated. u should consult some immigration lawyer in pakistan, who might tell u or show u exact picture.
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