Is Harry Potter Really good fro Children?

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Member since: Jul 07
Posts: 469

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-11-07 23:46:24

I am just wordering if Harry Potter Books or Movies are really good for Children.

I got feedback from many friends that Children particularly aged 8-9 get scared after reading or seeing movies

Is it so?

I found Children's are more crazy about Harry Potter, particularly in North America

Does any one exp same thing?
So what u can suggest. One shd go for Harry Potter after certain age, if yes what is correct age?

Also I found some Channels on TV which they says are for Children, are not suitable for say 8-9 years of age.
If that is the case, then why this Channels are not showing any warning?

Please respond

Member since: May 04
Posts: 376
Location: VA, USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-11-07 20:28:00

I along with my family have seen all 5 of the Harry Potter movies so far and enjoyed them

I/We have never read any Harry Potter books though.

The only movie where my daughers (12 and 11) were a bit scared in the begenning and the ending was during the 4th movie (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) - we watched that in the IMAX version in IMAX theatre.
Rest we watched them in the regular versions in Theatres.

Other than that I think they are OK.

But for Children aged about 8 and 9, I do think the last three are a bit scary.

Also Children tend to get scared if they watch someting like this on a "Big Screen with special sound and light effects, but they do enjoy on watchng the same on DVDs at home and with parents.

But depends on child to child.
Ironically my elder daughter (12) walks out of the room when we all watch a Hindi or Telugu movie and a Fight seen comes up... in the movie
She is so acared with fighting scenes.
But likes all Harry Potter movies

Child Psycholgy is so complicated :confused:

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-11-07 16:33:48

my 9 yr old loves the Harry Potter Series.

In my opinion a book that can help cultivate a reading habit is a good thing.

We do have a rule that she does not read them 2 hours before going to bed. Anything disturbing or dealing with darker subjects have a greater tendency to affect the nights it kids or even adults (who can handle the after effects better).

Though I prefer kids reading to watching movies anyday, such movies so close to bed time are not ideal for a good nights 6yr old boy watches the movies but not close to bedtime.

Their minds need enough time to re-adjust. BTW my kids do not watch much TV and definitely not right before bedtime (even a Disney movie).

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Member since: Jul 07
Posts: 469

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-11-07 21:29:26

Thats good logic Jake3d

so as far as possible try not to read or see any Harry Potter or similar kind of things

I am expecting more feedback from other CD's

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