Interview Results not positive

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Member since: Apr 07
Posts: 458

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-08-09 05:45:58

Bells, We have also received the same letter 4 years ago. In our case my husband who is a CA and CPA from US did not qualify the 17 yrs education rule cause CIC does not consider professional qualifications (to complete a CA one can take 2 yrs or take 5, 7 or whole life, you can't quantify them the way we do 3 yrs Univ, 2 yrs Masters etc.). When we received the rejection letter our lawyer went for appeal and this time I was the primary applicant (my Masters in Eco and finance was acceptable for immigration 17 yrs edu rule). That's the reason we went for an educator evaluator who sent the report on Delhi University and the value of my course stating it equal to MBA of USA. We won the appeal but filled in a new application in my name, which took us another 2 yrs but we were never interviewed (exempted).

My case was different than yours, I don't think you'll be asked to apply again, please go for appeal and provide the verification requested, this can take time but can be fruitful.

Hope it helps.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-08-09 07:11:00

I also feel that if you can prove that the suspicions were incorrect by getting the degree authenticated , there should be scope for a favorable decision ... You might wish to visit India and get this done yourself .

In addition it would be good to do per Jonav's suggestion ... Both information can supplement each other .

Wonder why the CHC has not returned the original degree ..


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 29
Location: Dubai

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-08-09 08:22:22

Thanks for your replies and advice. Yes I will have to get the certificates verified for which my spouse may have to go to Bombay.

I now am having second thoughts on the whole idea of migrating keeping in mind the economy in NA. In two minds whether to just scrap the idea of migrating in itself and continue with my job which is pretty stable (by God's grace) and with a good income as well. I am toying with the idea of coming to Canada and begining from scratch or else continuing here in Dubai for a year or so and then settling back in Goa, as have already purchased land out there which can be built up on and then can think of doing some some business there... just voicing out my thoughts as am getting pretty confused reading the posts of various CDs who dont seem to be happy and struggling to make two ends meet...

What do you guys think as you are there and you would be in a better position to voice your opinions...

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 208

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-08-09 11:04:24

First you need to decide where do you want to settle down eventually in the long term.

If you're leaning towards settling down in India, then I don't think there is any point in putting that much effort to come over here and start from scratch and then leave once you may start feeling settled here.

If you want to settle down in Canada, then ofcourse you need to start the process and make efforts towards that goal. It may take some time (~ a couple of years) to come to the same level in Canada as your current levels .

Right now the NA market is down and probably will take another year or so for it to be stable enough to create new opportunities.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-08-09 13:28:34

Lack of awareness can be a big block in decision making . Unless you experience NA , you would never know what you are missing .... I spent 8 yrs in ME and never knew what lay in Canada ........ now I have experienced and am better informed to make a decision ...

I think coming to Canada is a win win situation ... you get a Canadian passport , which is better valued even in the ME ... if you decide to return .


Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-08-09 13:18:00

Sorry to hear u story , a lot of immigrants have similar story like urs.. but there are also a significant number of people who have made it after migration..

It is all about timing.. u have come at a time when the economy is at its worst in the past 10-15 years... If u go back to india it is no different.. layoffs are happening all over the place..

If i were u i would return and come back next year.. by then the economy would have recovered...

Originally posted by gopalpai

my dear friend, you are in better position than we are today. We already landed 3 months back leaving good job,good business etc and we are jobless since last 3 months and they are asking my husband to do canadian education and experience at the age of 44 which will prolong till next 4-5 years. Till he completes that, either we have to stay jobless and hungry or do labour job lifting 25-30 lbs for 8 hours. The hard scenerio is if you are well off, we are better in UAE and India. With the funds what, we carry in canada say for eg. $1,00,000 which is as good as Rs.50,00,000 or say $50000 which is Rs. 25,00,000/-, we don't need to come to canada to do labour job lifting 50 lbs and having health problems. with such funds which majority of Indians don't even dream of, we can sit and enjoy our life doing nothing and live on bank interest alone. I don't know why we are so crazy about canada and USA and waste of hard earned money coming to such countries, whereby Visa are issued when there are no job opportunities. My dear friend, thank God that he is saved you form such situation.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 29
Location: Dubai

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-08-09 07:17:41

Thanks Guys for your inputs.... am still contemplating ....

Contributors: Bells(18) Fido(9) jonav(5) pratickm(2) Gurram(1) Shah(1) gopalpai(1) MeagainMe(1) dudewheresmycar(1) hchheda(1) Ash06(1) tamilkuravan(1)

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