Counting days in Canada finally over

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Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 14:57:24

Hundreds of years ago when people moved here from another country, (except for the the Chinese and the Sikhs,) got a piece of land from the Canadian Government, because they can immigrate here and cultivate and farm the lands and build a ranch and raise a Family. That was the OLD SYSTEM. Now they are exploiting the Immigrants. Things are moving in the opposite direction. ( In the reverse.)

SO, if you got the best out of your EDUCATION and moved on from there, MADE good use of your SKILLS you have and MADE good use of your CITIZENSHIP and PROSPERED in LIFE, you can always say that you are TOPS. I have no grudges here. That is the best that you can do for yourself and your family.

This country can provide all of these things and now you can move a hundred mile away and LIVE LIKE A KING like they used to do before, with an expense of very small sum and not feel that Canada did not give you anything. If they did not, then you can get it for a cost, but for a very small sum. Now move on in life here OR ANYWHERE, without feeling any guilt, because you have EARNED it.

If you prosper from here on or return back to YOUR Home stead, then you are BACK HOME. This is your place and this is Your COUNTRY. Be proud.You deserve it.

Since health and the other conveniences are FREE we are living close to the 'CILIVIZATION', other wise you can live anywhere here in Canada OR in any other part of the world and claim the same or be amidst better living conditions.

Here is a cross section of their records from HISTORY:


Read and enjoy it.


Member since: Sep 09
Posts: 31

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 16:09:41

NOthing is free in this world.

So please dont say Health and Education is free.. Nothing is free we pay cover all ...

If you are not working and not paying any taxes, then for sure its free. but most of us pay for it .

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 16:28:45

They give you a Health Card and make you feel great. But try and use all of the features available. It is another story.

You can find out how much it costs elsewhere to avail the same features and get insurance to cover the same, if you ever want to move to some other country or a location and use the services available there.

I have not done the study on this subject matter. But it is worth finding out before one moves out to that location.


Member since: Nov 09
Posts: 45

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 19:16:52

Brown bear: your retort is flimsy, too fragile and short of logic

1. What is the purpose of immigration? To increase the tax paying population so that they an support the social insurance for seniors who retired. Government takes the money you pay to social insurance and gives it to those who retired here.

My reply: I have never heard such a ridiculous reasoning for immigration. When you left India, did this come to your mind that you would subsidize the expenses of senior citizens?

Besides when you are 65, what would people call you - senior citizens? Would you then stop yourself from accessing health care and other social benefits, because someone is subsidizing that?

2) There are several millions of Canadians who are born here and have good jobs but yet move to USA for better money. Several of them study here in Canadian Universities which are partially subsidized by Canadian Federal and Provincial money and then move to USA. Where are moral and ethics here?

My reply: TWO wrongs do not make a right. If Canadian citizens migrated to the US, despite having subsidized education, it does not make it right for us to follow that

This is a free democracy, just like India. People have the freedom to move anywhere as long as they do it within the law and without cheating the system.

Do you want Canada to be like Cuba or North Korea where people can't even leave the country for better opportunities?

My reply: When did I say this is NOT a free country? Where did I say that it was about breaking the law? I said that it was perfectly legal to do that. I just consider it unethical.

So don't 'worry' about immigration and people leaving after getting Canadian citizenship , government will worry about it.

My reply : Knee jerk reaction ! I (emphasis on the word "I" ) am not worried, just added my two cents.

As for the rant from TK about jobs, that discussion will go on till eternity. There is no shortage of rants on this forum.

confused albertan   
Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 10

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 19:30:58

Originally posted by akar

You came to Canada as a Landed Immigrant.Your rationale for staying just to get a Citizenship somehow seems to be in a spirit which landed immigration was never meant to be!What apity.

Don't comment others without knowing their case.
Each case will be different.
I never comment on other's decisions. Further I am fully aware of the meaning of a landed immigrant.

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 980

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 20:36:35

It is not necessary to criticize someone just because he decided not to stay after getting citizenship..

What if any canadian moves out of canada , do we criticize them..

Everybody has their own priorities and reasons..

The global economy has changed the way people think.. 10 years ago nobody would have thought of going back after coming here.. now with jobs moving to india and china.. the correct decision is to move there if u have a hard time finding a job here..

Big talk does not feed ones family..

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 542
Location: Somewhere in dreamland

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-03-10 22:30:49

Originally posted by WEST-IS-THE-BEST

Brown bear: your retort is flimsy, too fragile and short of logic

My reply: I have never heard such a ridiculous reasoning for immigration. When you left India, did this come to your mind that you would subsidize the expenses of senior citizens?

Besides when you are 65, what would people call you - senior citizens? Would you then stop yourself from accessing health care and other social benefits, because someone is subsidizing that?

So tell me what happens to the money we contribute to Social Insurance? May be you can explain a better reason for Canada opening its doors to immigrants.

Originally posted by WEST-IS-THE-BEST

My reply: TWO wrongs do not make a right. If Canadian citizens migrated to the US, despite having subsidized education, it does not make it right for us to follow that

Sorry, why would it be wrong?

Who said it is wrong?

Did Canadian government made it illegal to leave after getting citizenship?

You have a perceived notion that if a law abiding immigrant who plays by the rules, gets his citizenship (after completing the required number days in Canada) goes and lives somewhere else, it is something wrong.

The Canadian government doesn't think it is wrong.

Your post sounds like you are dictating how other Canadian Citizens should live or where other Canadian Citizens should live!!

Sorry if I am rude but, this is strictly outside your authority. Canadian Federal government will decide the rules

As dudewheresmycar rightly said, Globalization has resulted in jobs moving to countries like China and India. In past that was not the case.

You can't expects engineers drive Taxis and Doctors deliver Pizzas in Canada, because of your self proclaimed 'Morals and Ethics' even when their jobs are shipped to third world countries

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