I am trying to find the form to renunciate my indian passport. I checked on the following websites but couldn't find anything. Can somebody please point me to the right source?
Hi Musicgold,
I tried the websites to find the form too but couldnt find it. I went in all the necessary documents needed for surrender certificate at VFS Brampton and got the form at the info counter. you can fill it up within 5 minutes by the time your number is called. The information required in the form is your full name with address, work info,parents,spouse and children names.
And remember you have to pay $21.75 CAD with the regular fee.
you may be someone to the world but for someone you are the world.
I have been reading up on the process to get OCI and Surrender certificate is a pre-requisite.
I wished they had a flow chart of the entire process as it seems like a 2 step process and cannot be done in one visit to VFS office.
What is not clear to me is how long they take to give this Surrender certificate. Does one have to go back to VFS office to collect the Indian passport with stamp saying citizenship has now been given up or do they send the passport by postal mail ?
It looks like once this certificate comes, another visit to VFS office is needed for OCI and that process itself is two step again.
Entire process seems to cost C$ 485 in fees alone, plus other miscellaneous costs.
Totally ridiculous.
Originally posted by shriya
Hi Musicgold,
I tried the websites to find the form too but couldnt find it. I went in all the necessary documents needed for surrender certificate at VFS Brampton and got the form at the info counter. you can fill it up within 5 minutes by the time your number is called. The information required in the form is your full name with address, work info,parents,spouse and children names.
And remember you have to pay $21.75 CAD with the regular fee.
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