How much does sound proof doors cost..??

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 15:24:02

Originally posted by lemon925

Fan doesn't have to run always.
Have you tried having fan setting to 'auto' instead of 'on'.

yes, It is in Auto mode, but in winter times fan turning on quite frequently than summer time.

I am wondering if I can buy only doors with sound proof insulations to reduce noise so this way I am not going to completely blocking air circulations and just reduce noise up to 50%.

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 15:28:25

Have you had your furnace checked? I don't think the furnace noise is to loud to be of concern.
Why dont you visit some of your friends and check the noise of their furnace fans and compare to yours - you will have better idea.

There are some sound absorbing (dampening) items available in the market - make sure you look for fire-resistant material while using them in the furnace room.


Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-15 16:12:00

On a similar note. I have tenants living in the basement and I could hear them upstairs. I still have my living area all carpeted, and planning to lay the hardwood flooring next year. What is the best way to install the hard wood flooring in order to minimize the noise intruding the other end. I did some research, and found out the usage of 'cork' underneath the wood and the Hard wood flooring might achieve this.

I am sure, some of you guys have the tenants living in the basement and have the wooden flooring. How do you guys achieve it? Any idea how to soundproof the flooring?

Also, what is the best way to soundproof the Windows? I have the original Windows in the house (>20 years), and I think the air and sound leak through them. Is installing them new the only solution?


Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 1002
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-11-15 07:07:16

Originally posted by hchheda

Have you had your furnace checked? I don't think the furnace noise is to loud to be of concern.
Why dont you visit some of your friends and check the noise of their furnace fans and compare to yours - you will have better idea.

There are some sound absorbing (dampening) items available in the market - make sure you look for fire-resistant material while using them in the furnace room.


So true.
If the furnace room door is closed, the noise shouldn't bother much normally. You may also consider planning the room slightly away from the furnace .. if possible.

whatever the case ... as other CDs said, as your son is going to stay more time there, have Fire Alarm and Carbon Monoxide detector working properly.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-11-15 14:40:08

Originally posted by Gurram

Originally posted by hchheda

Have you had your furnace checked? I don't think the furnace noise is to loud to be of concern.
Why dont you visit some of your friends and check the noise of their furnace fans and compare to yours - you will have better idea.

There are some sound absorbing (dampening) items available in the market - make sure you look for fire-resistant material while using them in the furnace room.


So true.
If the furnace room door is closed, the noise shouldn't bother much normally. You may also consider planning the room slightly away from the furnace .. if possible.

whatever the case ... as other CDs said, as your son is going to stay more time there, have Fire Alarm and Carbon Monoxide detector working properly.

Thanks a lot Hiren and Gurram for suggestion and advice....I have a corner unit townhouse so I do not have a big basement where I can isolate basement room from furnace size is around 15ft x 14 ft so no more choice....

I am going to check it out with Home Depot or some other places if I can manage to get some sound absorbing (dampening) items (as mentioned by Hiren) to reduce little bit more noise in basement...

I was wondering, is it any building code for safety that won't allow you to put soundproof doors in furnace area?


Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 2245
Location: Woodbridge

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-11-15 15:07:08

Here is some reading to do for you before you head to Homedepot :,,212626,00.html

Calculate if the efforts are worth the investment.


Contributors: RBO(4) hchheda(4) febpreet(1) Gurram(1) AshwaniG(1) Full House(1) lemon925(1)

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