Hi All
There is a PR EE filed in my wife's name mentioning me and my children as dependants.
Many different PR law firms state that there is more score if I happen to be the primary applicant. This they state is due to the fact of my 20 years of experience in Finance.
Can I file a new PR EE profile in my name having my wife's also. Is it advisable. Please suggest
Thanks and Regards
I always keep my eyes open to the OPENINGS that they announce for the N.O.C.Classifications and the quantum of applicants that they invite. It gives you an idea as to who they are looking for and what type of experience is that they are seeking with the applicants. It all takes an analysis. You MUST do that if you want to post your application based upon their REQUIREMENTS. Otherwise you are one of those 'also ran's' and there is no way of knowing if you will ever get an invitation from the IRCC.
You may also request for an RSS Feed from them. If anyone has the archived material to do your research, you will come to know when it was last they were looking for candidates with your caliber of work and experience.
YES, this time they are looking for people in Financial Field. They took in about 500 people. You also had a very good chance. All of this is hind sight 20/20. I am not in the know how of your CV and you got to be on top of all of these and keep up with it.
You have not lost anything. Just apply all over again, but this time you as the Primary applicant and the other members as your dependants. It will float to the top 10.
Good Luck.
Originally posted by Smartwork
Hi All
There is a PR EE filed in my wife's name mentioning me and my children as dependants.
Many different PR law firms state that there is more score if I happen to be the primary applicant. This they state is due to the fact of my 20 years of experience in Finance.
Can I file a new PR EE profile in my name having my wife's also. Is it advisable. Please suggest
Thanks and Regards
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