Car Insuarance

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Member since: Oct 03
Posts: 765
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-11-03 18:00:03

Could anybody tell me if I buy an used car within range CDN 5000-CDN 6000 and stay in Brampton area(Safe parking) what will be approx insuarance (for 6 month time frame) considering minimum Liability/Collision/Comprensive
I have a USA driving licence and driving for last two years in USA with perfect driving record
Will appreciate your feedback


Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-11-03 01:26:49

It would be easier to call an insurance company and find out for yourself. Also, the best thing to do might be to check with the company you're with in the U.S. A lot of them operate in Canada as well and they will be able to give you the best rates since they're conversant with your record in the U.S.

I was with Liberty mutual in the U.S. and when I moved here, they gave me the best rate hands down. And I didn't have to try to convince them of my record in the U.S., they had all the info. Their number here in Canada is (800)2686418 (might not work from the U.S., not sure).

Another site you can try is" rel="nofollow">LINK It is a service that claims to search through different insurance companies to find you the best rate, although I tried them a couple of times and I'm not exactly convinced.

Are you there?

Member since: Oct 03
Posts: 765
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-11-03 17:39:13

Thanks BL for your info
I checked couple of guys and it seems car insuarance is little bit higher than in USA
I am visiting Toronto for 2 months and if I get my visa stamped I'll then move back to USA and work for another one year before my 3/5 year absence rule expires .So I have basically four options now
(1) can buy a old car spending CDN 1200-1400 and leave it there or sale it after 2 months(probably won't get more than $500 if I sell ).In this case problem is it is very risky to drive a old car like this in the month of Dec Jan ...any bad thing can happen!!!!
(2) Can buy a medium range car spending CDN 7000-8000 and bring it to USA .Bringing a Canadian manufacturing car in USA could create problem in getting US car insuarance
(3)Could rent a car for 2 months but will be expensive
(4) Could take a car on lease basis for two month

At this point of time option 4 leasing a car seems to be a best option for me.Can anybody tell me whether I can lease a car for two months in Canada.In USA this is a popular thing in big cities
Will appreciate your feedback


Member since: Nov 02
Posts: 239
Location: USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-11-03 15:57:47

The car insurance is high compared to USA (even if you convert the currency)

If you have car insurance in USA, ask them for 2 months Canada Inter-Province Insurance coverage. All the big insurance companies issue that card for free. But problem the Canada border guys won't allow your car until unless you import the car into Canada. (that means import fees and A to Z TAXES.... atleast 4000 for a new car)

If you a buy a car in Canada and wants to bring to USA, then you have to import the car at the border. That car should pass US emission rules. (Call the border folks).

But I don't understand why the heck you need car for two months. :h That too during the winter period.... :huh:

The public transport in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) is excellent. (GO trains and buses and subway system in Toronto downtown..)

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