Canadian Driving Licence in US

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 314

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-03-15 14:25:42

I am soon moving to Kansas State from Canada
Will be on TN Visa (work permit) and planned to stay at least for year or two

I am Canadian with 8-9 years of driving experience in Canada

Can you please let me know what I need to do -
1. Can I drive in Kansas State with Canada Driving Licence ? If yes, for how many days or months ?
2. Do I need to bring any International Driving Licence also ?
3. Can I purchase Resale car with Canadian Driving licence ? I need to buy resale car in a month or so
4. If I am required to take Kansas state Driving Licence, do I need to take all tests or we get any credit for Canada Driving Licence ? Are the rules same in all US states or different in various states
5. Do I need to carry any other documents related to driving licence so the process will be easy
6. I don't want to surrender Canada Driving licence, as will be visiting Canada frequently (every 2-3 months). Is it possible ?

Anyone recently went through this process, may be for another US state ?


Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-03-15 17:41:18

Visit the website of Kansas dept of motor vehicles and see if you can find the answers for a number of your questions.

In most states, 30 days is the max with allowed before you need to obtain the DL of that State.

You don't need IDL.

You may be able to buy a car with Cdn DL, but may not get US insurance without US DL.

Rules to get DL varies by State.

To get US DL, you'll most likely have to show your TN which they will process through Homeland Security before approving the DL.

You either keep Cdn documents - DL, insurance and plates or US DL, insurance and plates. You will be required to surrender the CdnDL if you want to exchange the licenses. Mixing and matching will result in difficulties obtaining legal documents.

As a TN, you can technically exercise the option of continuing Cdn residency or giving it up altogether. For ex, NY state does not require you to switch vehicle plates, DL and such when living on non-immigrant status.


Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-03-15 16:17:11

Originally posted by m2611

I am soon moving to Kansas State from Canada
Will be on TN Visa (work permit) and planned to stay at least for year or two

I am Canadian with 8-9 years of driving experience in Canada

Can you please let me know what I need to do -
1. Can I drive in Kansas State with Canada Driving Licence ? If yes, for how many days or months ?
2. Do I need to bring any International Driving Licence also ?
3. Can I purchase Resale car with Canadian Driving licence ? I need to buy resale car in a month or so
4. If I am required to take Kansas state Driving Licence, do I need to take all tests or we get any credit for Canada Driving Licence ? Are the rules same in all US states or different in various states
5. Do I need to carry any other documents related to driving licence so the process will be easy
6. I don't want to surrender Canada Driving licence, as will be visiting Canada frequently (every 2-3 months). Is it possible ?

Anyone recently went through this process, may be for another US state ?



You have been provided with good help and instructions in the post above. (Previous poster)

Here is the link to Kansas State DMV. As stated you can drive about there till you find a permanent place of your own. When you do find one, you now have ADDRESS PROOF, so carry the lease documents/rental agreement etc.,

People who are visiting USA, for longer periods, snow birds and others can use their Canadian VALID Licence to travel about upto a period of ONE Year.

If you can obtain a driving record from the province in Canada from the MOT here, then they will know, you are a good driver with clean record.

Normally when you hold a valid Licence from another state or country, they recognize and accept the same as equal. No other tests are called for. But check the number of days that they will permit you, within which, they will do this, as there is some time limit upto which that they will permit you to do it.

For young children and adults, the age that they will permit you to acquire a licence changes from state to state. If this situation applies to you and your family, please read the Q & A for that state and get it from them.

If you are going to hang onto your Canadian Car, please make sure that you have the emission test done and it is upto date, and the certificate is good for (ONLY) Six months and you do get a chance to renew it from Kansas for the same plate, when the time comes. The stickers can be mailed to your Canadian address and get forwarded to you there in Kansas. (you do not have a place currently)

If you would like to obtain a Kansas Plate, you will have to contact the Border Services there prior to departure and obtain the procedure from them, as to how you go about importing your used Canadian Car into USA. Also ask if there is any duty on the importation.? That is a separate matter.

If you want to purchase a car there in Kansas, do so after you settle down and check a few of them. Also see if the prices are O.K. from Kelly's Blue Book. Verify that the Vehicle has no previous accidents and if it is from out of state, avoid them, or do another verification for the same. All of this falls under due diligence.

Hope this helps.


Just in case you do need this.. :

Member since: May 04
Posts: 314

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-03-15 14:03:29

Excellent Information by dimple2001 & Fullhouse

1. Do I need to obtain Driving record from MOT, what is the name of that document ? Will that document help me in getting Car insurance ?

2. Just spoke to car insurance in Canada (TD Molex), they will be able to provide my claim history from day one till today (I don't have single claim so far) to help me in getting car insurance. TD Molex don't provide car insurance if person is buying car in US.

3. Provide me good car insurance companies in US (specially in Kansas state)

4. Not shipping my car from Canada to US, so no question of using same licence plate

5. Because of not so good transit system in Kansas state, vehicle is the only source of transportation. First 30 days, my new employer is paying for rental as well as accommodation. But need to find resale car within couple of months. Not sure, without any address proof & other documents I will be able to buy resale car & get insurance for the same


Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-03-15 15:10:08

Originally posted by m2611

Excellent Information by dimple2001 & Fullhouse

1. Do I need to obtain Driving record from MOT, what is the name of that document ? Will that document help me in getting Car insurance ?

2. Just spoke to car insurance in Canada (TD Molex), they will be able to provide my claim history from day one till today (I don't have single claim so far) to help me in getting car insurance. TD Molex don't provide car insurance if person is buying car in US.

3. Provide me good car insurance companies in US (specially in Kansas state)

4. Not shipping my car from Canada to US, so no question of using same licence plate

5. Because of not so good transit system in Kansas state, vehicle is the only source of transportation. First 30 days, my new employer is paying for rental as well as accommodation. But need to find resale car within couple of months. Not sure, without any address proof & other documents I will be able to buy resale car & get insurance for the same


1. Yes, if you wish to exchange Cdn to US DL. Your DL also will show issue date and I believe only a 2 year history is required to get a direct exchange of DL. Check the MOT website and you will find the link.

2. Yes, you are correct. Insurance companies can and will provide claims history.

3. It's hard to quantify "good" insurance companies. However, you have providers that write in all States - GEICO, Allstate, Nationwide, Statefarm, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, etc. Progressive will allow you to compare quotes from many providers. GEICO has the ability to accept your Cdn history.

5. You will need an address to buy a acar and insurance. You cannot drive the car out of the lot without an insurance. So, the best path will be DL, decide on a car, insurance, and then settle the car purchase (pretty much same as in ON). For DL, you must show proof of your address and legal status in the US.


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