Moving from USA

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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 434
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-01-06 17:11:15

Hi practickm,

Could you please answer the following questios?

1. What documents are to be faxed to US Customs?

2. What documents are needed at the Canadian border apart from Title, registration and recall clearance. Am I missing something?

3. What documents are needed to get cheaper insurance?

Currently, I have allstate insurance in US.

1. Do I have to get history of insurance letter from them? How many days is it valid?

2. Do I have to get Driving records? If so, for the past how many years?

3. Is it possible to get the driving record from the state in US where our driver's license is valid now?


Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-01-06 09:15:38

Orginally posted by raajen
Hi practickm,

Could you please answer the following questios?

1. What documents are to be faxed to US Customs?

The original clean title needs to be faxed to the US Border Post Customs from where you will be exporting your car.

You need to send this well in advance of your crossing so that they have the time to do a check on the vehicle.

If they do not receive your title fax, they will NOT let you export the car.
You can take the car out of US on a temporary visit, but you CANNOT export it without this process.

So, first decide where you will be crossing from.
Then send them a copy of the title at least 1 week in advance.
Don't send it weeks in advance either because it will simply get buried in their paperwork.

2. What documents are needed at the Canadian border apart from Title, registration and recall clearance. Am I missing something?
The car needs to be included in your GTF list.
Clearly print the VIN of the car, and the current value.
I had taken a print out of the car's estimated value from KBB to prove that I am stating the value correctly.
Usually they don't scrutinize this too much, unless you are importing a brand new Porsche or Ferrari worth $100,000 :p

3. What documents are needed to get cheaper insurance?
Driving record from DMV and proof of continued insurance in the US.
But you may find that regardless of what documents you provide/don't provide, you will be paying a lot more for car insurance here, at least in Ontario.

Currently, I have allstate insurance in US.
Then first try to tranfer through them here in Canada - that may be your best bet.
Of course, also shop around.

1. Do I have to get history of insurance letter from them? How many days is it valid?
If you are tranferring with AllState only, then it won't be needed.
If you have maintained copies of all your previous insurances, that should be enough.

2. Do I have to get Driving records? If so, for the past how many years?
It's better to have that.
I brought mine, but no one asked for it here.
As I said above, providing more and more documents will not get you any cheaper insurance :p
But do bring it.
My state used to have a 5 yr and a 7 yr. record - I got the 5 yr. one since I hadn't lived there very long.
You should bring the one that reflects your entire driving history.

3. Is it possible to get the driving record from the state in US where our driver's license is valid now?
Of course.
Just go to the nearest DMV office.
Some state DMVs provide this service online where you pay online and they mail you a copy of the record.
Check with your state.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Contributors: raajen(8) pratickm(4) l5a(2) srirao(1) Janmeja(1)

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