Hi practickm,
Could you please answer the following questios?
1. What documents are to be faxed to US Customs?
2. What documents are needed at the Canadian border apart from Title, registration and recall clearance. Am I missing something?
3. What documents are needed to get cheaper insurance?
Currently, I have allstate insurance in US.
1. Do I have to get history of insurance letter from them? How many days is it valid?
2. Do I have to get Driving records? If so, for the past how many years?
3. Is it possible to get the driving record from the state in US where our driver's license is valid now?
Quote:The original clean title needs to be faxed to the US Border Post Customs from where you will be exporting your car.
Orginally posted by raajen
Hi practickm,
Could you please answer the following questios?
1. What documents are to be faxed to US Customs?
Quote:The car needs to be included in your GTF list.
2. What documents are needed at the Canadian border apart from Title, registration and recall clearance. Am I missing something?
Quote:Driving record from DMV and proof of continued insurance in the US.
3. What documents are needed to get cheaper insurance?
Quote:Then first try to tranfer through them here in Canada - that may be your best bet.
Currently, I have allstate insurance in US.
Quote:If you are tranferring with AllState only, then it won't be needed.
1. Do I have to get history of insurance letter from them? How many days is it valid?
Quote:It's better to have that.
2. Do I have to get Driving records? If so, for the past how many years?
Quote:Of course.
3. Is it possible to get the driving record from the state in US where our driver's license is valid now?
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
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