Seal hunt - what is your take

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Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-06 14:03:00

The celebrity attention seems to be drawn towards Canada these days to protest against seal hunt. First it was Paul McCartney, now it is Brigitte Bardot. I am a vegetarian, and I do not like the way they are killed. I saw on TV that they are clubbed on head.


(1) Foreign celebrities have no say in the internal affairs of Canada. What Canadians do for living is none of their business. Foreigners should mind their own business. It is like some Canadian celebrity going to US or Britian to protest against Iraq war.

(2) Why are they protesting against only seal hunt? Cruelty in any form is untolerable. Why not protest against killing of cows/chicken/pigs/fish? They are also as helpless as seals

(3) Why don't these guys protest against US/British government against war in iraq, where thousands of civilians has been killed? Just because it is "not in fashion" to protest against war?

(4) Seal hunt is a traditional way of living for some of NewFoundlanders. It is their livelihood. Will those celebrities help those unemployed hunters to find new means of living?

It is time Canadian government and media become blunt and ask foreigners to keep their nose out of Canadian affairs :cuss:


Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 219
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-06 14:38:41

I agree with your Foreigners-mind-their-own-business views.

Besides, I am totally against any killing of any living being that could effect our environment.

I do not want our future generation to see pictures of seal (or any living creatures) and ask us questions regarding their lives or behaviours.

Poultry farms raises chicken for meat or eggs. Farmers raise them, kill them, sell them. But bottom line is : they are raised for being served as food.

This is not the case for seals. It's Nature and our Environment that raises those seals.
In my views, no human being deserves the right to destroy anything that is created by Mother Nature.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 419

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-06 15:12:17

There were the same type of protests by Greenpeace against an Indian tribe in Washington that was going whale hunting. The tribe had govt permission to do this as again, it was a tradition and they were going to hunt a very small number, I think 5.

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-06 16:30:52

Originally posted by meghal
(1) Foreign celebrities have no say in the internal affairs of Canada. What Canadians do for living is none of their business. Foreigners should mind their own business. It is like some Canadian celebrity going to US or Britian to protest against Iraq war.

Now-a-days hardly anything is any single country's "internal affair" - almost everything effects other countries some way or the other.
The seal population quite likely affects the environmental balance in that region, which affects other countries.

For instance, if tomorrow the US decided to dig new oil rigs around Alaska that negatively affects the Arctic region, shouldn't Canada protest?
Shouldn't Greenland protest?

(3) Why don't these guys protest against US/British government against war in iraq, where thousands of civilians has been killed? Just because it is "not in fashion" to protest against war?
It's not a question of fashion - more like you life expectancy.
If you protested vehemently against the Iraq war, it tantamounts to a personal attack against Bush & Co.
I can't think of a way you can keep such a protest non-personal i.e. avoid talking about the reasons why Bush Administration went to war.
Somehow, I don't think the dude in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would be too happy with you :D

It is time Canadian government and media become blunt and ask foreigners to keep their nose out of Canadian affairs
I don't think it is an "internal affair" of Canada.

That doesn't mean that they should hunt the seal, or that they shouldn't.
My only point is that it is not a matter internal to Canada.

What if the Burmese govt. decided to hunt all the remaining tigers in there - should that be an internal affair?

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Big Vee   
Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 456
Location: Canada-Glorious and Free

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-03-06 10:22:50

Seal hunting is not new in Canada. The natives hunted seals for the pelt, fat and meat. And it is still being practised today. Native communities in the north depend on the seals during the cold winter months.

The recent interest is focused on the culling of the seal population. While this may sound cruel, it is actually to bring the ecosystem to a balance. The seals natural enemy - the whales have been decimated. As a result, the seal population has exploded into un-natural numbers. The more seals there are, the less fish there is in the sea. So the seal hunt is not a way of living for the Newfies. It is a means to an end.

An easier way to think about this is not to compare it to poultry and cattle, but as pests like rats and mice. If rats infested your home, would you let them just multiply unchecked? They would get into your cupboards, eat your food and destroy your environment.


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-03-06 11:31:33

They are just animals. God put them on earth to be eaten. If we dont eat them a big whale will eat them. So big deal.

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-03-06 11:49:50

Originally posted by Loser

They are just animals. God put them on earth to be eaten. If we dont eat them a big whale will eat them. So big deal.

That's an interesting way of looking at things :)

Anyway, isn't the controversy about how the animals are killed ? I think they use clubs to beat them to death :( Correct me if I am wrong.


Contributors: l5a(3) Loser(3) dimple2001(2) meghal(2) Pink Panther(1) tamilkuravan(1) alexm(1) pratickm(1) Big Vee(1)

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