Family Docter.

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 41
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-09-06 21:36:58

Hi all,
I am got my OHIP card in aug .i want to register myself with a family docter.
I stay by davisville and yonge intersection.
can anyone suggest me a good Family docter near by where i can register myself.

Member since: Oct 06
Posts: 34

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-06 12:36:28

Hi Roxy,

Could you share some of your experience here in Canada, regarding the health care.
what is the walk in Clinics??? why do you need a family physician?? Can we get consultation in a hospital here??

I am just new here in Canada.

Desi Raja   
Member since: Sep 05
Posts: 107

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-06 14:44:19

Originally posted by Roxy

Hi all,
I am got my OHIP card in aug .i want to register myself with a family docter.
I stay by davisville and yonge intersection.
can anyone suggest me a good Family docter near by where i can register myself.

I have a good family doctor at First Canadian Place ( King Station ).

Let me know if you are interested , so that I can give you his contact details.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 2085
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-06 15:24:31

Originally posted by Greyg

Hi Roxy,

Could you share some of your experience here in Canada, regarding the health care.
what is the walk in Clinics??? why do you need a family physician?? Can we get consultation in a hospital here??

I am just new here in Canada.

You have to register with a Family Physician, who will be your family doctor, and who you see for all ailments. If the ailment requires a visit to a specialist, the family Dr. has to recommend you (one cannot just walk in, or call directly to take an appt. for the 1st time)

A walk-in clinic is one where a patient can walk-in (ie. you do not have to climb stairs to get there :D .. no just kidding). A walk-in clinic is one that usually operates after hours. Family doctors usually have fixed timings almost like a 9-5. Although some Dr's do have hours extending to almost 7pm. If you need to see a Dr. urgently (after your Dr. has left office for the day), you would go to a walk-in clinic. You do not need an appointment for that. For emergencies outside of walk-in clinic hours, or for emergencies that need you to visit a hospital (like a broken leg/arm etc) anytime of the day/nite, you can go to an emergency unit at ANY hospital.

Consultation in hospitals is only available from your family doctor or specialist if they visit that hospital (ie they have an office in there) and you have an appointment with them.

Reiki Grand Master

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-10-06 15:36:26

To Add :
If you canot find a family doctor, Donot worry. Many walk-in's have inhouse specialists or can refer you to a specialist, just like your family doctor. The drawback is in Family doctor clinics, they are agressive to find you a specialist (though you may get a date months/weeks away). At walk-in's they are not that agressive but can find you one or you can yourself call the specialists and get an appointment. But no specialist will see you unless you are referred by a family/ walkin doctor. This referral only will get them money for consultation from the govt..
In general, Walk-in's are staffed by inefficient doctors and specialists. All/Many of the Family doctor's have been booked in full by the Canada born people that it is very hard for a new immigrant for find a family doctor unless the family doctor is new to the neighbourhood or if he is inefficient.
We once found an Italian gyn. (Mind you, Gyn.'s are very hard to get in Canada). It was only later that we found out that she had very few patients b'cos she was an inefficent doctor. All her Birth's had some or the other complications.
Also you can try out this in Canada (We had tried it out for genuine reasons). Go to 4 or 5 doctors in your neighbourhood and all the four or five will give you different diagnosis. We had to pull our hair to conclude which diagnosis out of the 7 or 8 doc's that we visited was true. For the same problem this was the 4 versions with 3 sub clauses for one :

1. Piles . Three opinions in this from the doctors :
a. Surgery may be needed
b. No surgery required. Will go by suppositories
c. Will go off as time progresses.
2. Portion of thread is embeded. Sit bath required to disslove it.
3. tumor (surgery required)
4. Fungus (Mild surgery required)

Result : That individual is waiting to go to India for proper diagnosis and has lost faith in the cdn. medical system. I am not blaming the system or telling that atleast 50% of the doctors are inefficeint but only giving an example that has happened to me and the people that i am associated with. For the 4 years since i have been in Cananda, I am yet to find a proper doctor whom i can glorify for his actions.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Oct 06
Posts: 34

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-10-06 10:26:11

WOW!! Thanks for the info D Raja, SS & TK.

It is a bit scary, but I understand that it is the fact over here.

It would be nice to knows a good doctor, whom we can visit, as we are new in town.

Location does not matter, if the doctor is good.

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-10-06 12:26:07

What surprises me that there are some not so good doctors in Canada educated elsewhere and how they managed to pass all the qualifying exams, undergo residency here, etc.

Medical care in India depends on who you go to and how much money you have.

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Contributors: Greyg(3) tamilkuravan(2) rajcanada(2) Charlie(1) Desi Raja(1) sudesingh(1) shankaracharya(1) Roxy(1) jake3d(1)

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