Indian Scenario V/S Canadian .....say 5 yrs hence?

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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 733
Location: Bahrain

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-01-04 14:05:31


This goes in sequel to my earlier post of Candian Economy visavis Indian .Thanks Chandresh and others for explaining their viewpoints . Next q which comes on 2 1's mind is (million dollar and I m sure its been answered b4 ) but stil putting it forward for a needed fresh look .

If 1 has 2 struggle 4 3 years @ a stretch changing odd jobs sacrificing family n social life , working in exreme conditions is the Canadian option better than settling back home ? I know in India pollution dust n grime add on to the woes but after some corrections u get jobs in ur resspective filelds & competency levels which (correct me if I m wrong?) I find missing in Canada . Cmon guys , v who make it here r amongst the higher intellectuals of our society --- well educated and expereinced and as some1 has put it ---bring in years of expereince n knowledge ..having dreams in our hearts which initially get shattered but characterstic of humans we rebounnce back ........ in hope that after some years greener pastures shall b ours .

(I know some1 must b ready 2 remark by now -- THEN GO BACK Y R U ABT 2 COME HERE !! )--- Thats not what I intend saying here or expect .Just feeling ppl will share honest unbiased introspective views .

The bottom line is ---may I call in 4 a vote --- how many feel that after 5 years from now say 2009 Canada and Canadaian Imigrants wud be better off than if they had stayed back in India .......or worse .. thats the deciding factor I guess . 2 b or not 2 b is the q . Wishing all of the readers a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2004 !!! & all d best 4 the upcoming meeting on d 10 th .


Mishtar India   
Member since: Nov 03
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Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 01:34:36

Good question,old one but always a fresh perspective :) the more people you ask the more viewpoints you will get and ...they all will be correct ....because the answer to this question varies from person to person depending on his/her individual situation.

This question can have so many contradicting yet correct points of views that it has almost become a philosophical question.

while you raise a very valid question, the one point which you make may not be entirely correct and may be based on inaccurate assumptions.

--- It is not entirely correct that at a stretch most people spend 3 years changing odd jobs , working in extreme climates and with no social life. !! has to do odd jobs in the beginning ...for 3 years ? in very rare cases ...most poeple I have come across got a decent job in 7-8 months to as early as 4 weeks ( by decent job i mean being able to support an apartment for the family, car and still have some small savings left etc)
-No social life ? there is plenty of social life in canada and very enjoyable too depends on the person how social he wants to be ...yes there are people who dont mixup socially but that is their own choice ...they will be the same way in india too .

- Extreme cilmatic conditions? - granted canada is very cold but so is entire north india, it gets extremly hot in india as well ...but tell me how many homes, offices and markets in india have central heating and AC. You wont find a desi soul in Canada if central heating and AC was not present everywhere.:D I feel not just the poor but even middle class people in india bear more climatic extremeties than in canada ...and top that off with frequent load shedding and water shortages even in large cities.

- Pollution dust and grime ....i think these are the least of the problems in india...please dont get me wrong...I love india and my native land ( like we all love our native village but we dont go and settle there!!)
It is true the indian economy is scorching hot and is just behind china in terms of growth rate . But have things drastically improved on the ground level for the common man? ...not yet i m afraid !!! Yes ..for those having a lot of wealth, india is the place to be and has a lot to can buy all the luxuries that money can buy . Things are changing fast but it has a looong way to go ....the changes have to affect a billion people to really make a difference has to overcome problems varying from inadequate infrastructure to widespread corruption to law and order .... you name it we got problems .

i feel that in the next 50 years india will be in world's top 3 destinations to live,work or visit....for now better opportunities and conditions are available elsewhere.

maybe after 50 years our later generatoins will try to return back to india and start a website called

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Member since: Oct 02
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Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 02:08:26

Orginally posted by Mishtar India
maybe after 50 years our later generatoins will try to return back to india and start a website called" rel="nofollow">LINK :D

That's funny. :D

My Dad keeps telling me how India will be the #1 destination in a few years. He follows it with a "When this happens, we'll make you guys wait in long horrible lines for visas too, just like you make us do it now.". :)

Are you there?

Member since: Oct 03
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Location: ljk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 03:45:38

I dont know whether immigrants will be better off in canada 5 years down the line ,


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 08:45:29


maybe after 50 years our later generatoins will try to return back to india and start a website called" rel="nofollow">LINK

It can only happen if there is population control in India, otherwise increase in population will eat up the resources. Water and electricity problem would increase if it happens. China has strict rules and incentives to control its population but in India there is no such law.

In Delhi after building so many flyovers, driving has become easier in comparision to past but not pleasant. Traffic buildup is huge where there is traffic light on the stretch of road. Increase in population and vehicles has negated the benefits of building flyovers.

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Member since: Sep 03
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Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 10:42:25

Orginally posted by Mishtar India

maybe after 50 years our later generatoins will try to return back to india and start a website called" rel="nofollow">LINK :D

I hope that happens. However, a cpl of decades ago Japan/S.korea etc were predicted to be the foremost superpowers in the world, right about now. So things do not always exactly turn out according to business forecasts. Population,Corruption and War are some of the issues India has to tackle. You decide how big they are. Like Mindia pointed out, how much of the benefits are seen at the lower end of society. According to me, the true development of a nation can only be judged by the conditions of the less fortunate sections of our society. I'd be happy even if the common man in India can achieve the living standards of their contemporaries in the above countries.

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Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-04 20:15:37

WE always say that population is the biggest problem in India - I would say it is a problem, but not the main, not the biggest. Because if it was, there were simpler solutions - break it up in small countries like Europe which many people in India want, and frankly I feel that might be a good solution.

The other equally big problem is, lack of unity and decipline. WE are not taught from childhood to say \"India is great and we are Indians\". This is one thing we should learn from Americans - to think of the whole nation as one when confronted with the outside world. Americans, like Indians have differences amongst them but they feel proud to say \"I am American\" History has proved that we were ruled by foreigners because we had no unity. And from unity comes descipline since everyone thinks of others as a member of their own group.

Without unity and descipline, we would not succeed even if India's population is reduced to 50 crores.

I think my point is proven by the success of - here we all feel united and to a great extent, are very desciplined.

And THE NEXT STEP will further unite us and make us more successful!


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