Finding a job for just landed Indian Doctor

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Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-10-08 20:06:56

How does a Doctor who just landed start looking for a job in Canada in particular Ontario? Are any exams needed to be certified and where one can find information about that?

Your response is welcome.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 11:11:03

Welcome to Ontario, where we need more medical doctors and I assume that you are a medical doctor.
Unlike IT /Engineering / accounting professions, you canot start even at a low level entry job as a medical doctor in Ontario, though we are in dire need of talented doctors educated outside the ditch ("pacific and atlantic ocean";).
Your best bet would be to contact with the "Ontario college of physicians" and speak to a person in management position there who will advise you of your prospects and potential future in Ontario. There are some schemes going on to have foreign trained doctors retrained at the govt. expense.
As far as provinces are concerned, Ontario has the poorest record in rehabilitating foreign trained / educated doctors. Othere provinces are more flexible and more helping.
Hope you donot drive a Taxi to earn a living while you struggle to get a foothold here in this province.
Hope this helps.

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 111

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 12:26:04

Hi truestdesi!
Please read the following details which I got from" rel="nofollow">LINK may be helpful to you.

To practice medicine in Ontario, whether as a family practitioner or specialist, International Medical Graduates (IMGs) must have all the Canadian postgraduate qualifications required for an Independent Practice certificate from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). The CPSO is the self-regulating body for the province's medical profession.

The requirements for an Independent Practice certificate are:
-A medical degree from an accredited Canadian or U.S. medical school or from an acceptable medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.
Parts 1 and 2 of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination. (
-Certification by examination by either the Royal College of Physicians or Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC, www. or the College of -Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC," rel="nofollow">LINK
-Completion in Canada of one year of postgraduate training or active medical practice, or completion of a full clinical clerkship at an accredited Canadian medical school.
The Centre for the Evaluation of Health Professionals Educated Abroad (CEHPEA) is the entry point through which IMGs in Ontario may gain access to the qualifications required for independent practice. It serves as an assessment centre and pathway to residency programs or Practice Ready Assessments (PRA) leading to RCPSC or CFPC certification.
For IMG's who have Postgraduate training experience it may be possible to apply and compete for Postgraduate Year 2 (PGY2) and/or PRA positions through CEHPEA. To access any PGY2 residency position or PRA position in Ontario it is mandatory to apply to CEHPEA. As an IMG applying to either PGY2, PRA or both, the option to also apply to CaRMS for a PGY1 residency position is possible as long as a an applicant meets all of the eligibility requirements. Please visit the CEHPEA website at" rel="nofollow">LINK for further information including eligibility requirements.

CEHPEA provides assessment at the PGY2 level and Practice Ready Assessment (PRA) level to those IMG's who meet the basic eligibility requirements. For PGY2, applicants need to have 1 year of postgraduate training in the specialty to which they are applying. To be eligible for PRA you must be fully board certified in any jurisdiction and you must have practiced within the last 5 years in the specialty to which you are applying.

Once you are deemed eligible by CEHPEA at the PGY2 and or PRA level you will participate in a program specific Specialty Written Examination (SWE). Program Directors will then decide based on many criteria whether to extend an invitation for an IMG to attend Clinical Exam 2 and possibly an interview. Program Directors will offer successful candidates PGY2 residency training positions or a 6 month supervised clinical assessment (PRA) position.
For more information about the requirements to practice medicine in other Canadian provinces, please visit" rel="nofollow">LINK

Please note that all IMGs that receive a training position at the PGY1, PGY2 or PRA level must sign a Return of Service Agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Please visit" rel="nofollow">LINK for more information.

163 Queen St. East, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON M5A 1S1
Ph: 416-945-3650

Also go through this for the Rules for Foreign Medical Graduates Wishing to Work >
You must read this also! > Why Is Canada Shutting Out Doctors?

It looks almost impossible for IMGs to become a Doctor in Canada!
If you are a fresh graduate it would be easier to pass all exams(in my opinion).For older people it may be very tough.
Any fellow desis or who are also doctors knowing more details, please post your information here so that it would be useful to other IMGs- Desi doctors.
Try your luck!


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 12:37:53

How did you just land without doing your homework ? :confused:

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 449

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 12:58:50

Originally posted by Loser

How did you just land without doing your homework ? :confused:


Indeed, these days one can get most of the info before landing.

The only interesting thing still to be discussed is which provinces have easier paths to getting the foreign credentials recognized. Ontario is one of the toughest. Is it only Alberta that is making it easier ? As more people post their experiences, this would help as well.

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 344
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 13:02:09

Originally posted by Loser

How did you just land without doing your homework ? :confused:

This was the first thing which came to my mind after reading his post.

Anyways, best of luck for your toughest journey of the life.

You will succeed if you have a positive attitude towards your life & last-but-not-the-least HARDWORK

Originally posted by Tamilkuvaran

As far as provinces are concerned, Ontario has the poorest record in rehabilitating foreign trained / educated doctors. Othere provinces are more flexible and more helping.

Do you have any proofs or explanations or articles stating this ???? or may be you can provide some comparisons between policies of other provinces & Ontario. Just curious to know this topic......


Member since: Sep 07
Posts: 110

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-08 16:10:37

If you read this open letter you will never try to become a doctor in Canada! Please spare some time to read this article.

A) "I am going to do all my clinical rotations in Canada"
An IMG (International Medical Graduate/Student) (which is what we are) CANNOT do core rotations in Canada. Regardless of wether you are a Canadian citizen or not. You can only do electives.
B) "I going to transfer to a Canadian Medical School"
None of the sixteen Canadian medical schools accepts transfer students from outside Canada. In fact most, wont even look at an application from WITHIN Canada.

C) "I am going to get a residency in Canada"

It is a fact that of all the IMG's that come to Canada, 90-95% will not obtain a residency. The few that do, do so, after either years and years of trying, or, because they know people in high places who 'pull strings' for them.

Just visit" rel="nofollow">LINK and see how few IMG's get a residency in Canadian match every year. There are currently 12,000 (twelve thousand) IMG's in Canada, actively seeking a residency position. In Ontario alone, there are currently over 4000 (four thousand) foreign doctors with no job and no residency.


9) In Ontario you cannot enter the first or second round of the Canadian CARMS residency match, you have to wait until after the second round. And after the second round there is nothing left. Keep in mind that there are 4000 (four thousand) IMG's in Ontario and 12,000 (twelve thousand) IMG's across Canada, who are actively seeking a residency position or employment as a physician in Canada. There are several thousands more IMG's who are in Canada but have long given up on this process.

Reality my dear friends. Reality.!

The Practice Ready and PGY-2 positions are only for those IMG's who have completed a residency or at least some post graduate training in their home country. So this is not an option for Canadians who have gone abroad for their MD degrees.
As for the PGY-1 Family Practice positions -> Family Practice in Canada is a only a 2 year program. As a result, you don't really learn anything. These positions are basically the scraps that the Canadian government throws (like left over meat to stray dogs) to desperate IMG's in the country. Worthless.

The only thing available to IMG's outside of Ontario (other Canadian provinces) is some other worthless, left over, two year rural family practice spot that NO Canadian medical graduate wanted, not to mention that it will be in some boony town where it is -30 (minus thirty) degrees celcius everyday with a non-diverse population, up north (eg goose bay, labrador, or north battleford, saskatchewan).
Will you honestly be happy with this?

8) The Doctor shortage in Canada.

By now I am sure all of you have heard about this. But don't get too excited. Yes there is a doctor shortage in Canada. But the way Canada is solving that doctor shortage is by increasing the number of spots at Canadian medical schools. Every medical school across Canada has increased enrollment.

In addition Canada has decided to open up a new medical school in Northern Ontario which will produce a new batch of Canadian medical graduates (Canadian MD’s) that will be used to solve the doctor shortage.

New Northern Ontario Medical School:" rel="nofollow">LINK

Think about it! There are 12,000 (twelve thousand) foreign trained doctors across Canada with no job and no residency, 4000 (four thousand) of them are in Ontario. They have passed the Canadian exams (MCCEE, MCCQE), they are ready to work now! . . . AND there is a doctor shortage. Why doesn't Canada provide opportunities for them? Why all this effort and money into this new Canadian medical school?

Because the bottom line is that despite a doctor shortage, Canada will never provide jobs to graduates of foreign medical schools, even if you are a Canadian citizen. Canada only wants graduates of Canadian medical schools.

14) Canada has ruined the lives of thousands of foreign doctors for the past twenty years.

When I was younger, I always wondered why foreign doctors immigrated to Canada, when it is a world wide known fact that Canada is career suicide for them. Well the reason is as follows: Canadian Embassies around the world lie to foreign doctors.

These embassies tell them “Oh yes, come to Canada, we need doctors!”. Canadian immigration organizations lie and paint this picture that Canada is Utopia, because they want foreigners to come to Canada. Why? Because foreigners bring money and they after they come they do the blue collar jobs. That is exactly what Canada wants! The Canadian government wants foreign money and cheap foreign labor.

So after being deceived, these foreign doctors, pack up, and immigrate with their families (spouse, children) to Canada. They have to bring with them at least $15,000 and pay an additional $2500 to land in Canada. Canada has an immigration quota of 250,000 per year. So please do the math, 250,000 multiplied by $15,000 each equals a whopping 3.75 - 4 Billion dollars that Canada gains from immigrants every year.

However, after they arrive, Canada shuts the door in their face and tells them that their foreign credentials are not ‘good enough’ and that they need to pass a series of expensive tests and do additional unpaid training. Shame on those Canadian embassies!

This forces the foreign doctors to get minimum wage jobs like factory work, driving taxi cabs or delivering pizzas, and to try whatever they can to support themselves and their families. They have passed the Canadian exams (MCCEE, MCCQE), applied for residency positions with CaRMS year after year, yet the end result is nothing. This is the tragedy associated with immigration to Canada.

Contributors: tamilkuravan(2) febpreet(2) dan(1) irock(1) Suba(1) truestdesi(1) shaha(1) balaq8(1) Loser(1)

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