Cut down eating outside - Something that we overlook while eating out is the oil quality is more harmful than the calories ..... Its absolutely bad cholesterol ........ avoid eating out whenever you can .... as much as you can .
And exercise - use the treadmill for 30 mins , thrice a week and your heart and lung would be stronger irrespective of your eating habits . Most people confuse dieting with exercise ... they are 2 different things , only commonality is both help inr educing weight .... but dieting doesn't make your heart / lungs stronger ... Exercise is vital . Unfortunately in Canada weather is not conducive for walking / jogging outdoors ....
. Don't buy unhealthy food - chips, indian snacks, w/e. Not in house, not in your body. Don't worry, those cravings will die soon.
. Don't, never, start searching for parking spot starting from the main entrance. Park such that you are forced to walk.
. Public transit. Once in a while, give it a try.
. Stairs - well I work on 11th flr. Not that I can't, but just don't feel like.
. Lunch Hour. Don't give up on that full hour. My lunch lasts 20 mins. Next follows my 30 mins walk. Yes, today it was -6C and yet I didn't skip my walk.
. Small lunch. Keep small lunch. Have 2-3 fruits between 10 to 3PM.
. Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is good (well, kinda. Not really that bad). But in small size. ("Bulk barn" in SQ-One, is a good place.)
. Now this is tough: No food starting 3 hrs prior to sleep.
. Reward yourself for any healthy style/food pattern that you follow. Every week or so, drop a quarter in a jar to buy something that you really want.
. No cart in grocery store. Buy only that you can lift in basket. Ok, I know that's tough.
Question: Is honey better than sugar?
I think so.
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