Advice on Moving

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Member since: May 07
Posts: 124

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-12-08 08:27:05

Hi Desis,
We are in the final stages of Imm.process. Medicals finished. Planning to land in April in Toronto if everything goes fine. origin South India. Moving from Saudi Arabia after 24 years.Thinking of landing and checking the adaptability for 2 months, if satisfied to continue if not to return to India. Background engineer with 25 years Manufacturing experience in Projects, maintenance & production in Flexible packaging industry. 2 boys,elder joined engg in India (due to delay in processing)
2nd appearing CBSE 10th in March.

Need advice on following

1. Is it worth to bring used household items or is it better to dispose them here?
2. Power appliances with 220/60, like Microwave, washing m/c, drier, do they work in Canada
3.I have quite good assets in India like real estate, MF, stock, bank FDs. Should I declare them when I land. What are the pros&cons
4.Can I use the International Debit card of HDFC/SBI in Canada.
5. Should I bring all my e.o.s money to Canada (more than CAD60K)
6.What we are looking for is better living standards and jobs for our children. Do u think we can get it there?
7.What are the prospects for me/wife finding a job there (Wife Msc .chem-was doing private tuitions in KSA)


Dear Prince,
Thanks for the detailed posting to my query. Just to clarify, I want to quit my job in Saudi since I have been too long here and the life here is boring unlike UAE. We miss Church, Movies (theater), bars etc; since they are not allowed here. I am not looking for a career in canada. Instead I shall be content with some kind of light job not to eat up from my reserves. What we are looking for is the graduations of our children from Canada and careers for them. What would you say in this case.

Thanks & Regards
kpv 343

Member since: Apr 05
Posts: 387
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-12-08 12:35:08

Namaste/Vanakam :)

My post may be lengthy:p

Canada is definetly a beautiful country to live in if you are ready for the hardships which you MAY have to face initially.If you have a strong intention to live here at any circumstances then....WELCOME TO CANADA!

regarding your questions

1)If you want to start a fresh life leave them all....but if you want to intially settle down a bit and if you have enough baggage allowance why not...bring them....

2)Voltage: 110-120 Volts in canada so you cannot bring those appliances to use them here

3)Declare everything you have....which you would like to bring into canada

4)If it is an international debit card you can certainly use it...but you also have to open bank accts here(once you plan to settle back here)

5)if you plan to settle down here why not bring it?


I am going to give an example of an indian family(ages around 40 years or so) who have come from UAE
they used to work for internation school,lived there for 11 years,they had kings life(the lady never cooked itseems,no washing,no cleaning)Its been almost 2 years now they work for a nice call centre earning money which helps feed them and their children
children are saying.....mommy did we become poor?( becos they saw a royal life back in UAE and now they are living in 1 bedroom apt and they have to clean their own dishes,laundry etc etc)
And about the kids her elder one is into early teens and she is getting influenced by the western culture becos of the other kids(which in inevitable)
The lady was telling me people who are from uae and who earn good money there should not be coming here and she has done a mistake she wants to go back after getting her citizenship(i wonder how does it help her when she doesnt want to live here anymore:confused: )

Another example :

A couple from india who have done only bachelors degree and were only 22 years had no proper work exp(the man was a medical rep for 1 or 2 years)who came here and started doing odd jobs....
i see they are very successfull now.They struggled for 4 years i they have their own Convenience store earning really really good.
I feel very happy seeing such ppl :)

what i have concluded is people who are settled well in their profession....earning good bucks... living anywhere in the world should think twice before coming to canada.And also pls start applying for jobs before even landing here.If you get a job i tell you this is the best place and one more thing you have to be very broad minded about ur children becos they become canadians(their life style) and it might be a bit hard for you to digest .

I hope i was of help to you.

Any queries pls be free to buzz me


Originally posted by kpv343

Hi Desis,
We are in the final stages of Imm.process. Medicals finished. Planning to land in April in Toronto if everything goes fine. origin South India. Moving from Saudi Arabia after 24 years.Thinking of landing and checking the adaptability for 2 months, if satisfied to continue if not to return to India. Background engineer with 25 years Manufacturing experience in Projects, maintenance & production in Flexible packaging industry. 2 boys,elder joined engg in India (due to delay in processing)
2nd appearing CBSE 10th in March.

Need advice on following

1. Is it worth to bring used household items or is it better to dispose them here?
2. Power appliances with 220/60, like Microwave, washing m/c, drier, do they work in Canada
3.I have quite good assets in India like real estate, MF, stock, bank FDs. Should I declare them when I land. What are the pros&cons
4.Can I use the International Debit card of HDFC/SBI in Canada.
5. Should I bring all my e.o.s money to Canada (more than CAD60K)
6.What we are looking for is better living standards and jobs for our children. Do u think we can get it there?
7.What are the prospects for me/wife finding a job there (Wife Msc .chem-was doing private tuitions in KSA)



Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-12-08 11:15:33

Originally posted by kpv343
Thanks for the detailed posting to my query. Just to clarify, I want to quit my job in Saudi since I have been too long here and the life here is boring unlike UAE. We miss Church, Movies (theater), bars etc; since they are not allowed here. I am not looking for a career in canada. Instead I shall be content with some kind of light job not to eat up from my reserves. What we are looking for is the graduations of our children from Canada and careers for them. What would you say in this case.

It is all subjective and depends on your needs.
One thing is for sure and that is that your both your children will have very good oppertunities here.
As for you, it may or may not be easy for your to land upon a job here. The positive points is that you are in manufacturing and that is good. The negetive is that you are aged and that the employers in Canada may not give credit for your work in saudi. That being said, you are definetly in better demand that if you were a doctor or a professor or a scientist.
The chance of your wife being able to find tutions or teach in a school is Nil.
Saudi is a place where any tom dick or harry can be a manager or a engineer or a project manager (in most cases) . Canada is not like that (on the outside atleast). They will need you to prove that your skills are first class and that you have a good soft skills, personality, adaptability etc...

What I would suggest is the following :
1. All the 4 of you land. Get your younger boy admitted in School (which is free). As your elder son to apply to universities etc... He may loose a year but he will have a good future. Ask your eldest son to get Govt. loans / OSAP for studies. Never fund him with your money.
2. Bring as low money as possible. The less money you bring, the more the govt. can help you from their pocket. Try to keep all the investments outside India. However, if you want to sponser your parents / in-laws, you need to show that govt. that you have good savings / steady income. So it is your choice.
3. Ask your wife to update her skills by studying some short term or long tern courses with govt. money. She should be looking for jobs in the pharma industry / food industry or medical technologist field.
4. You will have to look for jobs in the manufacturing industries. Mississauga (a suburb of Toronto) is the best location. You will need to buy a second hand car soonest (please know that once you have a car, the possibility of the govt. giving you a loan / your wife a loan may decrease)
5. Apply for GST/PST credit. That will give you some money once in 3 months.
6. If you work for 910 hours and get laid off from work, you can get 55% of your last drawn salary (max $413 a week) for 9 months. Besides the govt. can help you in sponsering you for some free courses. So you need not worry even if you loose the jobs.
7. You can get pension from Canada even if you work just one week (calculated pro rata). This means that if you work for 1 week and earn $10 per hour, and pay to pension (which is compulsory), you can get a pension of a few cents from age 60 or 65 till your death. So that more you work, the more pension you will get. If your pension is low, you will also get Old age security to compliment your pesnion (Note :Residency requirement apply)

So I am sure that you will like this country. There are a lot of churches, bars, associations, theatres, free stuff being handed out etc.. The only negetive is the lack of job oppertunities (esp. for immigrants), crime, drugs, and the freezing cold (for atleast 4-5 months of a year). Other than that, roads are tarred, Pavements are clean, very less corruption, hard working people, good customer service even in govt. office, Efficient transportation services, new cars, Good drainage, no discrimination between male and female etc...
You will love this place.
I look forward to seeing you and your family happily settled here.
Welcome to Canada (soon)

Peace by TK

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: May 07
Posts: 124

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-01-09 14:04:58

Hi TK,
Thanks for the positive reply to my posting. I would like to have a further clarification on the funds to bring. You mentioned to bring minimum possible and keep investments out of India (do you mean out of Canada?). If we bring minimm fund and then later if we like Canada and would like to live a comfortable life, is it possible to bring funds from deposites/investments from India. Would they be taxable if these were not declared during landing?

Thanking you

Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 155
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-01-09 15:40:24

Please do consider the following before taking a final decision.

Job market is not at all good and will become worse in 2009 particularly in manufacturing sector. There are hardly any jobs for newcomers as people who were here for long are losing jobs every day. No credit is given for 25 years Manufacturing experience as canadian employers prefer young people.

U.S. manufacturing index drops to 28-year low

also read

Picture abhi baki hai!

Hope this helps.

Member since: May 07
Posts: 124

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-03-09 03:06:16

Hi cds and Freddie,
I have at last received the PPR. I am still confused. Freddie what would you recommend for me? My elder son is doing first year engg in an NIT in India (NRI seat). Should we move for good even him dropping out of NIT (may have to pay full course fee US$ 12,000 to get back transcripts). I am 47 years old. Younger completing 10th CBSE in middle East. Should we land and return and wait till our elder completes graduation from NIT? appreciate receiving your suggestions, Freddie and other seniors.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-03-09 08:49:19

With regards to funds/assets , Canada's simple policy is - whatever you had before entering Canada , is yours tax free , but whatever you brought or made after entering , is to be paid tax on ....... eg .......... suppose you have property worth CAD 100K now in India ------- if you declare it as 100K now and later when you sell it (assuming you sell it for 200K) , you are liable to pay taxes on 100K as that appreciation is deemed to be after you entered Canada .

Better to give an inflated figure , but you would have time till your first return to do that . It seems you have made your money , lived your life -- now wish to move because of your children -- I do not find any point against that --- it is the right decision and taken by a lot others .... Good Luck.


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