How do I get my driving experience certificate from Janak Puri Delhi?

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Member since: Nov 07
Posts: 7

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-02-09 10:30:25

I m in Delhi coming to Toronto this month as permanent Immigrant. In order to give G1 road test straight away, I do need at least 12 months driving experience letter from my licensing authority (Which is DVLA - Janak Puri). Is there anyone who knows how to go about it? Where do I go and who do I contact for that? Is it a normal practice for the officers to issue these type of experience certificates on their official letterheads? Any experience please!!!

Member since: Feb 08
Posts: 142
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-02-09 10:56:56


I had a bad experience while getting certificate from Janak Puri Authority. The best way to get it is to try with contacting driving learning schools ( who takes extra to get you road test cleared) or try to find somebody standing outside of the authorities.

You need to pay in order to get serviced :cheers:

Good luck!

ll ਪੰਥ ਕੀ ਜੀਤ ll

Member since: Aug 07
Posts: 157

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-02-09 11:51:39

Originally posted by laddiguy

I m in Delhi coming to Toronto this month as permanent Immigrant. In order to give G1 road test straight away, I do need at least 12 months driving experience letter from my licensing authority (Which is DVLA - Janak Puri). Is there anyone who knows how to go about it? Where do I go and who do I contact for that? Is it a normal practice for the officers to issue these type of experience certificates on their official letterheads? Any experience please!!!

Nice to see someone from own neighbourhood... I am from Janakpuri as well... welcome...

As for driving experience requirement... I can only share my experience which was about 5 years ago, not sure if rules have changed since then... I just had to show my indian driver licence (issued by janakpuri authority only) no driving experience certificate was sought at that time.... Yes I do recall that my licence didn't show expiry date, so I had to have some sort of certification done by Indian consulate here in toronto.... which just required one trip to the consulate and if i remember correctly, fee of some 20 bucks or so...


Member since: Sep 08
Posts: 23

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-02-09 00:38:40


I live very near to Janak Puri. It's good to see one from own neighbourhood. I am also expecting my visa this year.

Outside the DLVA, Janak Puri, you can find a lot of people who can assist you in getting this paper (ofcourse for the money). Go there in the morning somewhat around 8:30 am and by paying some hundred rupees, there is a chance that you will get this letter.

BTW, you can PM me your phone number or email so that we can discuss more about moving to Canada while we both are in delhi. I will PM you my phone and email address.

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 52
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-02-09 15:13:36

I too had more than 4 years of experience , but the Road Transport office back home says they don't give letters in their letterhead as they don't have one. Infact the office says that they have to receive a request from the Indian consulate here (!!!)

The Drivetest people here insist people in India have brought letters to testify that their liscence is original.

How do we get it ?

Please let your smart brain analyse first. Mine is taking rest.

Member since: Feb 08
Posts: 142
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-02-09 17:35:51

Hi all,

Let me give you all a better picture on my real experience.

I asked DriveTest guys to accept my driving experience but as usual....NO!!!. Needed a letter either from home country or certificate from Counsulate. NO luck from Janak Puri District Centre even after offering some seva pani...

I tried with Indian Counsulate and they issued the letter on a blank paper (no letter head) with stamp. I tried the same at Brampton, Mississauga and all but again no luck. Then thought to give a try at Burlington, Guelph etc...and it worked.

Have a half day off and try outside of our Desi areas.

Good luck to all!!!

ll ਪੰਥ ਕੀ ਜੀਤ ll

Member since: Nov 07
Posts: 7

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-02-09 08:11:27

Thanks for your reply guys.
Here is my story for today. I v been to Janak Puri Authority today. I straight away went in and contacted the person inside the authority's window. I told him the whole story and showed him the passport and visa and told him what I wanted. He took Rs 400 and asked me to write an application in this rigard, which I did. Then he called me after 2pm and when I went again he gave me confirmation of my licence (A plain white A4 paper with printout of details of my driving licence and my photo with Authority's name on Top) with signature of officer (no designation or name with it) with authority Stamp (you know Indian Stamps quality). Attached was a fee receipt of Rs 50 (and I gave Rs 400).
I told him that I do not want details (record of my licence) of my licence instead I need certificate from the authority which says that I do have 12 months of driving experience, but in vain. He said that paper is enough and no one can give the certificate on the authority's letterhead as there is no letterhead.
I think I v wasted my money. Please tell me what to do now. Also tell me should I get International driver's licence done or my local (All India) licence (issued in 1999) is valid in Canada for two months.

Please guide me. Thanks

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