Paid job after CO-OP

Poll:Paid job after CO-OP
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Yes 75% (6)
No 25% (2)

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Poll:Paid job after CO-OP
Choice Stats
Yes 75% (6)
No 25% (2)

Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-01-10 14:40:41

I don't blame morning rain at all. She has right to speak her mind. It is democratic world. (I don't want anybody to take this thread personally).
In fact, I remember morning rain has been very helpful to us by going through our resume and guiding us. I have not forgotten her helpfulness and kind heart. I am thankful to her.

Let me tell you, it is bull shit about reference and getting to know people before giving reference etc. Then we blame India for being corrupt. A person can prove his ability and efficiency at his work place. I don't think anybody can guarantee anybody's ability and efficiency just knowing them personally.

This is competitive world and a candidate should be selected competitively not by reference. When we were recruiting in my company, nobody brought references but the candidate we selected achieved success and were leaders of the dept. That is what an interviewer job is to select able and efficient candidate. Otherwise he is not capable of being called interviewer and he doesn't have right to interview people.

Now, for eg : see all top level companies in canada, all Govt jobs in canada where there are big unions to fight workers (majority) recruits only canadians whereby they are given all the benefits and facilities whether they work, whether they are able an efficient or not. Do you see other expats/immigrants
or other than canadians/whites in such companies.

Here we can't blame people or Govt, it is system which is at fault. We have to change the system. I am an new immigrant, new to this country, my reference does not have value, since I don't know anybody personally not have I met them, still I am placing people just talking on phones. We have placed so many people that we have lost count. I hope you all get my point about reference and getting to know people. It is all rubbish. I don't agree to such nonsense.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-01-10 15:42:33

Originally posted by gopalpai

Now, for eg : see all top level companies in canada, all Govt jobs in canada where there are big unions to fight workers (majority) recruits only canadians whereby they are given all the benefits and facilities whether they work, whether they are able an efficient or not. Do you see other expats/immigrants
or other than canadians/whites in such companies.

First off, congrats for your husband's job. Now, I agree with you regarding what you mentioned above. I have hardly seen any immigrant in most of the Govt. offices. I don't know why the Govt. is way too cautious to hire immigrants, even for a clerical, customer service, admin, office jobs. A case of systematic discrimination? Now, just to clarify that these are my opinions only. Sure, there must be a few immigrants employed by Govt. but it's not visible. Sorry, I do not have stats/figures before someone puts forth this question.

Regarding references? Yes, again you hit a nail on the head. In my opinion as well, reference checks are a fruitless and time wasted exercise. Of-course a candidate would only provide a reference who speaks highly of him/her. So, there's no point if an employer couldn't make a critical examination of candidate's abilities using references. A candidate should be chosen based upon merit only - immigrant or no immigrant. Today there are a numerous tools available on the internet (e.g. Google, linkedin, facebook, etc.) that an employer could use to verify some (if not all) traits of an eventual employee. This nullifies the reference process itself. The whole process needs amends.

Congrats again! Hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude always pays.

Member since: Oct 08
Posts: 174

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-01-10 20:31:10

Originally posted by gopalpai

morning rain, you got me wrong.I am really sorry abou this.

What I meant by being selfish is that, whenever we ask people where they serve, they are hesistant even to tell us where they work, let alone give references etc. Everybody calls or send pm to me asking for job, not even single soul called me and told me that they have job for me or my husband.

People who have been here for more than 5 years are asking us to get them job.Imagine us who are new immigrants offering or helping people who are here for more than 5 years to get job. I think it should be other way round isn't it?

When I ask people to help, I meant with job and specially with references without which one cannot get job. All these help what you are talking is affecting few, I am talking about helping mass or huge number of people and that too on regular basis.

I have never even given thought that you accuse me of i.e immigrant-Good and canadians - bad. Please do not jump to conclusions. I have always met good people in my life.

You need to be very clear about what you are saying. First you complain calling people selfish and now you blame the system.

If you are so particular about getting a job, why don't you take the job that you claim that you are helping others to get? Obviously you know what jobs are those.

As for reference, I don't know what jobs you are talking about that do not require any reference. But in my field of engineering, it matters a lot. There is a purpose in doing this and don't assume companies waste their time and resources in reference check for nothing. It is not just the person's ability that gets a job, but also how he gets along, his other skills that matter a lot also. Some good companies insist on the reference from the supervisor and they have ways to confirm this.

Now a days, organizations get all kinds of resumes from all kinds of people from all kinds of places. It is impossible for any body to evaluate the candidates by spending a lot of time to understand their ability in doing a job.

Member since: Jul 09
Posts: 917

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-01-10 09:47:12

GKT, please read my thread properly. When I tell people are selfish I mean with regards to helping people with job and references.

When I tell we have to change system, I mean canadian/whites are on white collar jobs with all facilities and enjoying the cream.

I am quite capable of getting job for myself if I want to without anybody's help. I don't need help nor references. I can prove my ability and efficiency on phone while talking and I have good qualifications to back up. You know I have management Post graduation degree from Jamnalal Bajaj Instt of management studies in bombay. Hope you know the reputation of this college + 10 years of experience in shipping which is specialised field. With two small children, I would end up paying more in child care than I earn and We are not so desperate. I hate giving birth to children and handing over them to outsider for rearing. Other than that, I am looking into starting my own business so that, I can balance my life in such a way that I can take care of my children myself and simultaneously I don't waste my education and talent.

You made this statement "Obviously you know what jobs are those" and I think morning rain is the right person to answer.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-01-10 11:25:23

I find it interesting that many people on CD have commented over and over again about how only Caucasians/non visible minorities are obtaining government jobs. I have always worked in government positions since entering the work force 13 years ago in both city level and provincial level and have contacts at the Federal level. There are many visible minorities (and yes immigrants and canadian born both) that I have worked with.

They may be under-represented in many government positions, but for various reasons that are not necessarily discriminatory hiring practices. The government has actually studied this:

Also: this is another thing that keeps cropping up on CD - about how only "whites" are enjoying white collar jobs. There is no evidence supporting this. There are visible minorities to be found in every occupation and profession represented across the country.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Dec 08
Posts: 1351
Location: Brampton, Ont, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-01-10 11:33:39

Guys Where r we going????

Original topic was about "Paid job after CO-OP" stop blame game and concentrate on original topic...that may help others...

'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-01-10 12:34:23

Congrats GopalPai for you and your husband ... May all good things come your way ... You help others with a selfless attitude ... Keep it up !!


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