Hi Everyone,
My daughter will be doing a co-op job for summer in North York [ intersection dufferin and Steeles]. What are some safe areas around this intersection to live in. She is looking for a room to rent with a maximum of 20 min car drive to work.
Especially advise on streets and areas to avoid living in. Your suggestions will be appreciated. We are from mississauga and not familiar with neighbourhoods in toronto. I have heard that JANE/FINCH is unsafe place.
Thank you,
Jane / Finch is bad. Avoid living there.
Dufferin / Steels was an up coming place when I was there in 2011.
South and north on Dufferin is safe. May be Finch and Dufferin is also safe.
There some places on Keele where York university students stay. It should be safe though we have some reports of sex assualts inside the York university campus.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Hi Mala,
I live very close to Dufferin and steeles area. max 10 mins walk and 2 min by car. Usually the area is safe and far from jane/finch. Many York university students live close by. If your daughter is not comfortable driving, Mississauga transit, GO transit, ttc, York transit connect @ York university and instead of renting she can travel by public transportation.
There are many student apartments available for rent in the neighbourhood. you can also go to local indian store OM India @ dufferin and Centre and will find a lot of ads for the same. Many Indian families in Glen Shields neighbourhood too(west of dufferin).
Although I don't have separate bsmt apartment entrance my bsmt is renovated and is available. you can come and take a look first. PM me if you want my contact number
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