This health System in Canada is totally useless...

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 272
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-06-04 17:48:12

Canadian Health care system:

One of the flaws in Canadian public healthcare system is that it makes resposible people pay for irresposible people.

By irresponsible people , I mean alcohol addicts, drug addicts, people suffering complications due to thier unhealthy eating habits (e.g. complications due to obesity etc.)

By responsible people I mean people who follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and without addictions

US Health care system:
In the US, childern below 14 and senior citizens are covered by the medicare. Also, I believe there are a few local government run public hospitals in some cities although I am not very sure since I haven't had a chance to visit them.

But studies have shown that private healthcare is costlier than public healthcare since it involves a profit motive. Hospitals, Doctors and Insurance companies work for thier profits.

Not sure which one of the systems is better but I feel it depends on a persons situation

Member since: May 04
Posts: 68

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-06-04 22:14:26

Orginally posted by mercury6

I just had to pay almost $50 out of my pocket for a small bottle of prescription Nasal Spray....How is this freaking system deemed to be free and fair to all, its basic aim?

Shouldnt it cover at least some part of the Drug cost?

Unbelievable, I am exasperated by Canada.

:( :mad: :madgo:

in all fariness canada has THE BEST healthcare system.

Why wud u expect the goct to pay for your medicine? arent they paying the doctor for your consultation already?

if u were working with health plan ... you wud not have paid for that medicine. + many ppl who are not working or are on contract usually take health insurance on the side to cover the meds. The insurance premiums in canada are much lower than in the US....
try checkin into it.


Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 17
Location: North York

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 16:11:40

South of the border.. Health care is commercialized. Doctors are in it for the $$. Some make you feel that way. If you are insured you make the lucky few. Ask those who can't afford insurance. Doctors treat you according to what what coverage or insurance company you've got. Yes, the health system in Canada has many flaws. It is over-burdened right now and somewhat mismananged but at least health care is avaiable to all. It's still better than what is available in many of the European countries where waiting lists for heart ops can be as long as 2 years. Also I believe that Canada's doctors are among the best in the world. They are highly qualified. The Canadian medical exams are much tougher than that of the US.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 16:46:16

Orginally posted by Avocet

South of the border.. Health care is commercialized. Doctors are in it for the $$. Some make you feel that way. If you are insured you make the lucky few. Ask those who can't afford insurance. Doctors treat you according to what what coverage or insurance company you've got. Yes, the health system in Canada has many flaws. It is over-burdened right now and somewhat mismananged but at least health care is avaiable to all. It's still better than what is available in many of the European countries where waiting lists for heart ops can be as long as 2 years. Also I believe that Canada's doctors are among the best in the world. They are highly qualified. The Canadian medical exams are much tougher than that of the US.

Well the Walk in Clinics dont vouch for what you just said....The doctor at the walk in clinic I went to was an Arab guy who took 30 seconds to prescribe me a $40 dollar medicine which as of now doesnt seem to be working. I have had this problem with other walk in clinics, when my sister was here and her daughter fell ill. In the end we Just went to the emergency service at a hsospital where we waited for about 3 hours (only one doctor was around.

The Arab doctor was more worried about my name. ......he seemed to think only in Arab there are muslims. Idiot.:cuss:

So what qualifications do these doctors at walk in clinics have.

I found one good one where they pay better attention and prescriptions work, but its 20 km from my appt, where as this one in next to my appt.

Looks like I will have to go there. An Since I have used the medicine I cant return it too...

Any doctors here who could give advice?

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 1754
Location: Ottawa (Now in Bangalore)

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 17:38:33

He He He Mercury6 :)

Let me tell you of another experience. My ex-gf had to go and undergo an ey checkup. As per her words, she said that it was a Pakistani doctor (Dont ask me how she knew that)... When she came back with the glasses he prescribed, the pain in the eyes (rather headache) actually increased. She then went for a second opinion (this time to a Canadian born doctor !) and guess what, the glasses were quite different than what she was prescribed earlier !

My own experiences with Canadian born / educated doctors have not been good. I had a visit with an orthopedic surgeon. The first thing he ordered me to do was undergo an X-Ray of my knee ( even though I was complaining of pain in my muscles ) :D

If you want some idea, go and watch Tere Mere Sapne (the Dev Anand film) and you will figure out the unholy nexus between Doctors :D

I still think that doctors in India (the non-reservation guys of cos) are the best. They rely on physical analysis (feeling ur pulse, etc.,) that make them a class apart.

Mercury, why dont you try and get some appointments with Community clinics ? Not to sound racist, but if you have your own doubts and suscpicions abt Doctors with Non-Canadian degree's then listen to your sub-conscious :).. Kya pata, it might be the best decision that you make !

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Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 700
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 17:55:41

I have seen Doctors in and from quite a few countries. I found Canadian Doctors most unprofessional and unethical. They are least concerned about patients and their illness, for them patient is a money generating machine, more patients means more money..thats all!
Thanks and regards.

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Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 22:16:03

In my opinion, there are two aspects to think of when we compare Canadian Health system to any other system, or even evaluate it on its own. The first is availability, and second is cost.

From my experience, in Canada, the availability is very restricted - and when you compare it to the expectation from a G7 country, almost negligiable. I am not talking about getting a cold or flu - that as my family doctor used to say in India - takes 7 days to recover, whether you go to a doctor or not. But if it is anything unusual like serious warts, fractures, accidents etc., then you are in problem - not to speak of more serious things like heart attack etc. As is said in Canada, the health care system prevents you from dying, but you have to suffer all the pain if you are not seriously ill and in an emergency. Imagine you have a fracture and you have to wait 6 hrs for an x-ray, or an asthma attack and wait 10 hrs to get the right medication, or have severe muscle pain but wait for 5 days to get a report of ultra-sound just to be told there is nothing wrong with you (and because there was nothing wrong, the doctor did not call to inform you or even bother to prescribe simple pain-kiilers because the report took three days to reach him!)

The second thing is cost. Yes it is very expensive in Canada- specially when you compare to the cost in terms of taxes one pays. I would any day be ready to swap my tax with (free!!) consultation (not health-care per se) and be able to purchase my medication with that savings.

MI says that what about unemployed persons in US who do not have health insurance. First of all, it is a double double - unemployment and bad health occuring at the same time - so it is bad luck too. Secondly, as BIO pointed it out - an unemployed person gets free consultation but not free medication - even for a bad cough, or severe itching. Thirdly, it would be rare if you ran out of insurance when you are unemployed if you do not do as I have done - I have always purchaed insurance for full year when I am employed and can afford it, so it is available even when unemployed.

And then comes the situation of availability and cost. I have personally come across situations where I, or my friends, have been ready to pay for services which are otherwise free just to get immediate cure or relief, but it is not available because of the system of being referred to a specialist by your family doctor and then waiting for a month or more for an appointment with the specialist. There if you compare it with India or other third world countries, they would score higher - because it is atleast available to the one who can afford it!

My two cents based on my experience!



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