This health System in Canada is totally useless...

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Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-07-04 10:33:01

Sometimes things and news like this make me feel - WHO IS A BIGGER CRIMINAL - the murderer of Cecilia, who must have done it for some motive or vengence, or the healthcare system in Ontario WHICH IS LIKE A SLOW POISON WHICH DOESN'T KILL IMMEDIATELY, but troubles and gives more pain to hundreds of people in need!!!

From Today's Toronto Star:

Wait till Monday for emergency hospital admission
Fridays bring longer waits


If you're admitted through emergency to an Ontario hospital on a Friday and are waiting for an urgent procedure, chances are you're going to have to wait longer than if you were admitted on a Monday or Tuesday.

Researchers who analyzed all acute care emergency admissions at 190 hospitals in Ontario between 1988 and 1997 found that those patients admitted on Mondays or Tuesdays experienced shorter waiting times for their procedures (average two days or less) and had shorter hospital stays.

Patients admitted Fridays had the longest waits for procedures — on average, three days.

Toronto doctors Chaim Bell and Donald Redelmeier found that less than half the patients who were admitted through emergency on Fridays and Saturdays had their procedure performed within two days of admission, compared with the 60 to 77 per cent of patients admitted on the other five days.

"There shouldn't be any delay based on days of the week that patients are admitted," said Bell, the lead study author. The result of delays in getting procedures done is "inefficiency's a waste of money and time."

Delays can also "impair" decision-making, he said. If a doctor can't get an important testing procedure that is integral to a diagnosis done on a weekend, he or she can't make an informed decision about care.

This can "affect patient outcome," said Bell. There are "potential dangers in delaying diagnosis."

The researchers recognize that hospitals are dealing with "limited staffing," especially on weekends.



Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Member since: May 04
Posts: 299
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-07-04 16:07:04

Why they claiming that our (Canadian) health system is best in the World?

Once we visitied Scarborough General Hospital with our little kid (1 year) at 8.00 pm on weekend and got unexpected response in Emergency ward.

Only one doctor was there and waiting is 12 to 15 hrs. There was no space in room so they put us outside room and there are numerous patients there (all waiting for doctors). We worried because my son has fever and cough and was crying continously. All staff was listeneing and seeing but nobody has bothered about my son. We requested many time but same answer your number is 6, after one hr we again asked now number is 8, after 2 hrs we asked then replied me your number is now 12. I asked why its was going to increased? Then she replied that doctor is make decision to whom he has to attend first, its depend on seriousness of case so your turn has been change every time. We fustrated becasue still baby was crying. at 3 am (after 7 hrs) again i asked and she replied same number and told us your turn may be come at 11 am morning. We were helpless and feel very unsecured and left hospital after registered complan at front desk, they were not bothered at all. We came our home and called our family Doctor in India and got some temparary solution.


Why they charge for Car parking in Emergency? They are just interested in Money. Hospital management charge lot of money from Government for their bogus services and no responsible person are there.

There is no separate section for new born or little baby, they put among other serious patient and there was no proper ventilation.

Now ONtario government start to collect Health premium for their hopeless services.

God bless us !!

Please avoid Emergency services as far as possible, Ask Toronto city health center for walk-in clinic in your area which open untill midnigh and go there.


Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 94
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-07-04 18:45:53

In the recent announcement by the Ontario government, the Montfort French Language hospital just got an $9 million increase in funding, much higher than other English hospitals in the area.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 94
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-08-04 18:51:58

Partnership Agreement with the Canadian Armed Forces

Last May 12th, an unprecedented partnership concluded with the Canadian Armed Forces further heightened the national importance of the Montfort hospital complex. Montfort Hospital signed an agreement to become an official medical centre for this military organization respected across the country and around the world. In the words of CEO Gérald Savoie, the announcement of this prestigious partnership made of the of May 12th 2003, “another great day for Montfort.”

This group effort, the result of more than two years of negotiations, will result in the construction of a new six-storey building. Two floors will be devoted to the healthcare needs of military personnel while the other four will allow for the creation of new services and resources for all of Montfort’s clientele. The new building is planned to open in 2005.

The partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces comes as a vital development for Montfort, which the last half-century has distinguishes itself by an unrivalled devotion to the wellness of its community. Besides, the partnership confirms what the people of Montfort have known for a long time: that their Hospital really is, in Mr. Savoie’s words, an institution “of national scope.” And Mr. Savoie insists that we owe Montfort’s success in this enterprise first and foremost “to the now-legendary determination of the Franco-Ontarian community.”

The new building will welcome bilingual doctors and professionals from the Armed Forces who will contribute to Montfort’s by opening new areas of expertise. Their specialties, which meet the specific needs of military personnel, include mental health and will make possible a new sports clinic as well as a laboratory for sleep research. The Armed Forces have also expressed interest in participating in the research and training programmes under development at the Centre national de formation en santé Montfort (CNFS).

The arrival of the Armed Forces will raise Montfort’s clientele of 300,000 people by 7,500 military personnel, of which 30% are Francophones and many others are bilingual. That’s an important fact for a hospital complex that plans continue its five-star commitment to the Franco-Ontarian community.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 94
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-08-04 18:54:45

MRI Device Acquisition

On November 14th 2002, Montfort was one of only three Ontario hospitals to benefit from a 2.4 million dollar government investment in new magnetic resonance imaging systems (MRI). Since that date, the new equipment has allowed Montfort to significantly improve Franco-Ontarians; access to an essential diagnostic device.

In fact, Montfort had been waiting for this acquisition for more than seven years. At the press conference following the government announcement, Montfort CEO Gérald Savoie remarked that the acquisition of the MRI device would make of the Hospitals Diagnostic Imaging centre one of the best.

The MRI helps detect, in a short amount of time, the presence of malignant tumours in soft tissue without exposing the patient to radiation as in conventional forms of radiology.

Montforts acquisition of an MRI system is a major step in the expansion of a hospital complex that never stops evolving. The device will allow Montfort and its staff to better fulfill their mandate by supporting the community in terms of oncological care and scientific research as well as by training new Francophone and bilingual specialists in one of the most important areas of modern medicine. It is also worth noting that Montfort is the only Ontario hospital to guarantee quality French services of this type.

Finally, the decision to give Montfort an MRI device represents a turning point in the Francophone institutions relations with the provincial government. As Mr. Savoie aptly put it when the investment was being announced,;The government proves that it has turned the page on the past.

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