we are moving to vancouver from brampton. should we inform inform or surrender our health cards b4 we move? should we inform our family doctor about our move? do we need to give the change of address to SIN card and PR card authotities and also child tax authorities?
would u know if rogers will transfer connections? also we have not filed income tax till date. can we do it in vancouver?
i would appreciate any info based on CDs' experiences.
thank you
we are moving to vancouver from brampton. should we inform inform or surrender our health cards b4 we move?
--- No.
should we inform our family doctor about our move?
--- Not necessary.
do we need to give the change of address to SIN card and PR card authotities
-- No
and also child tax authorities?
-- Give the new address to child tax authorities.
would u know if rogers will transfer connections?
-- No - not if you move from 1 province to another.
also we have not filed income tax till date. can we do it in vancouver?
-- Yes. File the tax return for the province where you lived on December 31, 2006. The instructions are there on the form.
thank u cdn dude. i also found out that for the ohip will cover us during the waiting time for BC health card.
thankx again
thank u cdn dude. i also found out that for the ohip will cover us during the waiting time for BC health card.
-- Normally, the province from which you moved, covers you for the first 3 months into the new province...
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