Wonder why they hate us? Take a look.

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 310

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-03-07 18:38:59


What makes you think that? You are more than naive if you think any of these agencies operate by the book. Readup to see how each more than interfere in other countries. BTW: they are often involved in industrial/economic espionage against friendly countries too.

Hence, the reason we are hated.


Only the US can afford it. However, its not a doctrine many others have discounted, including India.

perfect reason to be hated


Now if thats not propaganda what is? Anyway... atleast you agree that they are hating each others civilians at this point.

Thanks to our manipulation we have gotten two faction against eachother, that dosnt mean the wont come after us after all.



Yes the resistance are where they belong \"At home\" in Iraq hating us and wanting us out of there
except for the paid puppets in the green zone cutting backdoor deals with us.

More propaganda.

.. the puppet? He is about to go now...just like I said... Democracy under occupation isnt working that well is it???



What cost the neocons is their deception towards the american people of their illeagal ventures in Iraq.

Whatewver you call it...a civil war gets inthe way of their objectives. I think you know you are not making sense here and are rambling away regardless.

It makes perfect sense to me and may be to most here.


Not making sense...see above. If at one minute we are funding one side and then the other...atleast one of them must be loving us at any given time for all the funding

Yes, I agree...... and the other one hating us.


OH...but why? Ofcourse its due to the fact that they are involved in the mess too. Looks like I've been right about everybody playing for their own interests at the cost of the iraqis. Not the black and white scenario youve been painting is it? . You are undermining your own propaganda by bringing Iran and Syria in and calling it a sensible move.

You dont understand, Iran and Iraq are neighbours they will influence each other. They share a religion they share cultures like any neighbouring country.
Who are we to make judgments on that? That is black and white to me and I am sure it is to most.


BTW: I'm still waiting for you to tell me what my propaganda is.

That all nations are basing their international relations on a principle of \"survival of the fittest\" hence our killing and oppression are justified.


..... your self admitted intellectual deficiencies...

statements like these are regarded as a sign of defeatism.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-03-07 18:54:21

Originally posted by hemzer
You dont understand, Iran and Iraq are neighbours they will influence each other. They share a religion they share cultures like any neighbouring country.
Who are we to make judgments on that? That is black and white to me and I am sure it is to most.

Nope. If all was kosher amongst the countries in that area there would be no civil war. No Iran-riaq war. The US would not be able to get a toehold there.

Your above statement is another sign of sheer ignorance even if only due to the difference between Persians and Arabs. Black and white indeed :D


That all nations are basing their international relations on a principle of \\\"survival of the fittest\\\" hence our killing and oppression are justified.

We are not killing and opressing...that is your propaganda. Anyway you have not disproven that international relationships are based on the principle of 'survival of the fittest'.


statements like these are regarded as a sign of defeatism.

Another fantasy? Fuelled by sheer ignorance but still a fantasy.

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 310

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-07 12:40:32


Nope. If all was kosher amongst the countries in that area there would be no civil war. No Iran-riaq war. The US would not be able to get a toehold there.

Your above statement is another sign of sheer ignorance even if only due to the difference between Persians and Arabs. Black and white indeed

I am not saying it was all kosher. You see that is you trying to twist my statement. I said they influence eachother (positive & negative) and it is natural because they are neighbours. My question is who are we to dictate to them how they should live.

The wars were of the west's making....in many ways.

We put a fairly blended society into a segmented mentality fo rour use.

I dont think they wanted this.... but we had the cash and they (the ordinary man) had the poverty for us to exploit.


We are not killing and opressing...that is your propaganda.

of course we are doing the killing directly when we are not watched and by proxy or mercenary....when we are... so that we look clean on CNN & BBC.


Anyway you have not disproven that international relationships are based on the principle of 'survival of the fittest'.

Like I mentined before... refer me to your context? and I will disprove it it wont take me long.


I do not know what your context is here, Fittest in what way? military? manpower? wealth? health?
resources? market share? consumerism? intelligence index? educated mass? infrastructure?

The term \"survival of the fittest\" can also be used when two high school kids quiz for a prize...
or when two chef's cook it out on food network........ so to use such a broad meaning term in world
politics is fair depending on the context ......but to use it to justify the carnage, pillaging and
killing we have laid upon the ME people and call it thus is chillingly cold and socially deviant
at the least.

and ...on another note..

\\\"....Explosion Interrupts Ban Ki-moon Visit to Iraq
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made a surprise visit to Baghdad on Thursday. During a joint news conference, Iraq's Prime Minister said Ban Ki-Moon's visit showed the city was \\\"on the road to stability.\\\" Minutes later the news conference was interrupted. A rocket exploded just 50 yards away from their meeting. Ban Ki Moon cringed and ducked at the sound of the blast....\\\"

....they sure must love us there.....

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-03-07 08:39:36

Originally posted by hemzer

The wars were of the west's making....in many ways.

We put a fairly blended society into a segmented mentality fo rour use.

I dont think they wanted this.... but we had the cash and they (the ordinary man) had the poverty for us to exploit.

You have no clue what you are talking about...the place was split along factional and tribal lines long before the west entered there. Read up.


of course we are doing the killing directly when we are not watched and by proxy or mercenary....when we are... so that we look clean on CNN & BBC.

Oh yes...the clearing house :D and other assorted conspiracy theories.


Like I mentined before... refer me to your context? and I will disprove it it wont take me long.

by your past exhibited knowledge of world affairs...i think it will the clearing houses words against any grain of historic truth.



I do not know what your context is here, Fittest in what way? military? manpower? wealth? health?
resources? market share? consumerism? intelligence index? educated mass? infrastructure?

read my reply to that post.


\\\"....Explosion Interrupts Ban Ki-moon Visit to Iraq
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made a surprise visit to Baghdad on Thursday. During a joint news conference, Iraq's Prime Minister said Ban Ki-Moon's visit showed the city was \\\"on the road to stability.\\\" Minutes later the news conference was interrupted. A rocket exploded just 50 yards away from their meeting. Ban Ki Moon cringed and ducked at the sound of the blast....\\\"

....they sure must love us there.....

Whoever hates an UN envoy from south korea pretty much hates anything....:D. Or are your friends in the 'resistance' hating the UN now? Or are you confusing the UN with the UK like you confused Afghanistan with Iraq :D ?

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 310

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-03-07 14:52:18


Whoever hates an UN envoy from south korea pretty much hates anything..... Or are your friends in the 'resistance' hating the UN now? Or are you confusing the UN with the UK like you confused Afghanistan with Iraq ?

....and which world body are we using to pressure Iran?



Like I mentined before... refer me to your context? and I will disprove it it wont take me long.

by your past exhibited knowledge of world affairs...i think it will the clearing houses words against any grain of historic truth.



I do not know what your context is here, Fittest in what way? military? manpower? wealth? health?
resources? market share? consumerism? intelligence index? educated mass? infrastructure?

read my reply to that post.

My world affairs knowledge set aside..........you couldnt specifically tell could you? on what context you are claiming that \"its survival of the fittest that guides world politics\" but neverthless you argue for it though......... neither did your past replies specify anything clearly. I know a guy who does same (aka: dubbya)

I see when ever you are in a position of defeat in an argument you go about cursing \"the clearing house\" and my knowledge of world politics\"..???

Short Advice, this morning reading every day enlightens anyone in darkness (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ )

....and after that switch on to CNN or BBC to the same topic for the laughs. If only it wernt for the fact it being so sad, Its hilarious, I have tried it and its quite an entertainer....if you ask me.

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-03-07 16:04:35

Originally posted by hemzer

My world affairs knowledge set aside..........

Its obvious that you are trying to debate by setting that aside :). No point in that is there?

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Member since: May 04
Posts: 310

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-04-07 15:16:38

Originally posted by jake3d

Originally posted by hemzer

My world affairs knowledge set aside..........

Its obvious that you are trying to debate by setting that aside :). No point in that is there?

ok have it your way....consider my level of knowledge sub par to yours......

so where were we on that
"survival of the fittest that guides world politics" theory ????

Contributors: hemzer(40) jake3d(35) Big Vee(1) Mercury(1)

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