Looks like parties are interested in discussing funding for faith based schools (what abt madarasas? will they get funding too). Are there other issues that the parties are interested?
Originally posted by desi in ottawa
Looks like parties are interested in discussing funding for faith based schools (what abt madarasas? will they get funding too). Are there other issues that the parties are interested?
Just a couple of thoughts that have been going on in my head...
1. Don't you think faith based schools will segregate people more rather than bring them together?
2. Do you not think faith based schooling is something that needs/should be taught at home, in the home environment, by family?
3. How is learning about ones religion going to help them find a job in the big wide world? Unless they are planning on becoming a religious leader of some sort...
4. Will faith based schools also teach about other world religions?
I'm all for preserving and learning about your own religion, but I can't help but feel faith based schools will be like taking a step backwards...
Bijou Bazaar
You are absolutely correct. Funding faith based school is the stupidest idea I have heard. Thank god JT softened his stand on it. Religion shoudl be taught at home and home only. IMHO religion & education should not mix. But to my surprise 2 of my indian friends are all for funding faith based school and thier argument is that if catholic schools are funded then why not other faith based schools and my argument was if a mistake has been made in the past the repeating the same mistake again does not correct the past mistake.
Originally posted by rsk12
You are absolutely correct. Funding faith based school is the stupidest idea I have heard. Thank god JT softened his stand on it. Religion shoudl be taught at home and home only. IMHO religion & education should not mix. But to my surprise 2 of my indian friends are all for funding faith based school and thier argument is that if catholic schools are funded then why not other faith based schools and my argument was if a mistake has been made in the past the repeating the same mistake again does not correct the past mistake.
I fail to see how in a country like Canada, Catholic schools can exist and people take pride in Catholic schools. An old statistics that I read show that the Catholics are a majority in Canada while the next comes Protestanst. When comparing Catholics and protestants, Catholics outnumber Protestants by a ratio like 52:48.
I am not against Catholic schools. I am for funding catholic schools by public money provided that the admission was open to all and not just catholics.Let the teachers be hired by the management. I donot care. If they just want Catholic students let them find their own Catholic money to find run these schools. Also they should not impose Catholic values / christianity if they run the schools with tax payers money. What a waste of Public money which could be put into more better use like Health care, Senior nursing care etc... India ranks far ahead in this aspect.
Wonder why the protestants are not protesting as they are almost neck to neck in proportion. When we include Catholics vs. non Catholics, I am sure that the non-Catholics would be more. Wonder why no one is bringing a referendum based on this.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Originally posted by Desi # 1Why shouldn't the past mistake be corrected? Why shouldn't be there one school system called Public School System?
Has anyone courage to do that? No one .. Not even Tory as he will loose more votes than gaining few.
Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...
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