is there a website link which gives the contract rates for IT - software field for various skills in Ontario, thks
Not sure.. but if you share the skill set, could give you a rough estimate..
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
Testing - Test Lead (8yrs with 2+canadian exp) , let me know what will be the take home per month excluding tax
Assuming it is about testing commercial in house applications, roughly the range could be $50-$80
Originally posted by quest
Testing - Test Lead (8yrs with 2+canadian exp) , let me know what will be the take home per month excluding tax
The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.
JRF, the range is $50k-$80k per annum or u mentioned it per hour.
Originally posted by umesharya
JRF, the range is $50k-$80k per annum or u mentioned it per hour.
I think JRF meant per hour as contract rates are quoted per hour . Perhaps JRF can clarify .
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