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Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 16:00:10

Originally posted by blorean

Originally posted by Iknownothing

Originally posted by morning_rain

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

This is Canada where the govt. / market cheats people to earn money. you canot compare it with USa or UAE or India.
Canada is a country where if you are not seeing, they will even steal your dress / belongings !
Welcome to the Immigrant unfriendly land.

Please stop posting your toxic negative garbage here. New immigrants or others who are looking for genuine advice dont need your "Helpful" words. Just because you experience one thing doesnt make it the reality for everyone else.
No one is telling you to stay in Canada. If you dont like it please do us a favour and LEAVE.

Finally. Im sorry you got yourself fired from your job. However. Please DO NOT continue to insult MY country.

I do agree with him to an extent. The problem is that many people don't realize that they are being gouged by the very conservative business practices in Canada for the simple reason that they haven't seen any better. Be it banks, cell phone companies, auto insurance, there just isn't enough competition allowed to make it a consumer friendly place to work and live in.

While I do understand it hurts to hear anything negative about YOUR country, but why do you have to bring his being fired in this conversation?

I too concur that there is some credence to things muttered by him but making blanket statements such as "welcome to immigrant unfriendly land" just is not needed...I mean what is his point? To stave off any further immigration? he's had a pretty nasty stint here going by his stories...so that means every immigrant will have such a sorry life?

I do understand TK's experience so far is not exactly what we would like to put up in a magazine advertising immigration to Canada, but the 'leave' comment from MR was what actually irked me. And to top it off she rubs in him being recently fired. How decent is that.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 16:59:21

OK folks , I will add 2 egs of Canadian businesses ripping : just to make the mood lighter :)

I did away with Rogers Cable asking for a monthly ransom of 50 bucks and am getting wonderful channels free of cost via FTA ...

Lowered the speed from 5 mb to .5mb and did not find the speed amiss for my usgae .... Rogers grumbled -- Hey 5mb is just $15/- more .... I said I don't need it ..... much to their annoyance ....

They gave me a raw deal of home phone for a year ..... they have VoIP home phones and the quality is no good .... After 8 months I got better of them and switched over to Bell ... recently I read that Bell home phone subscribers are 6 times that of Rogers and there s a reason .... Bell home phones are non VoIP .. analog lines ...

Came to Bell.... After 3 mos of internet connection , accidentally came across an ad which promoted a higher speed connection at a lower cost than what I already had .......... Called them up --- CSR dilly dallied but finally when I gave an ultimatum I was shifting to Primus , she transferred me to a person who obliged by giving me higher speed and lesser price ....

It always pays to be aware and not to get into contracts unless you are sure of your usage ...... It should read ' Buyer Double Beware ' ;)


Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 409

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 17:22:24

Lol...I could not stop lauging that MR is saying about his/her country and asking to leave TK..

Well, though i dont agree with TK for using the comments like ripping things happens in canada where as not happening in UAE and INDIA...bla bla..

But every where it happens if you are not cautious and not paying attention..wether intentional or not.

Anyway, i did not like that tone of MR saying that its his/her country where as no one is suppose to claim that, as these countried were occupied by every one..
If at all some one claims their country and get out...that's "Native Indians" who should claim...not we or MR though we have the passports..LOL>>>

Btw, if motive of CD is promoting canada, then better to change the name to just CANADA by leaving DESI out of it.

Well just my 2 cents to this forum...as long as we are not abusing the system and not abusing the fellow members, we are free to express our experiences.
If its not true...then the moderators should advertise some disclaimers.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 17:30:21


meanwhile where is Morning Rain.......no comment from his or her side at all??;)

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 18:00:27

These things have nothing to do being a new immigrant. Don't you see the word "contract" written all over, even on the cellphones on display on the shelf. With or without reading you signed the contract and either way you are responsible. As a Canadian citizen, if you sign a contract, won't you be responsible?

If there are billing errors, you should check the itemized bill and try to resolve it with the company. If it does not resolve, write a letter to president of the company or complain to Better Business Bureau.

You can try to get out of the contract by offering some discount to buyer on classified sites like Canadiandesi classifieds, Kijiji, ca.cellswapper.com, etc.

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Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 18:25:10

Originally posted by RBO


meanwhile where is Morning Rain.......no comment from his or her side at all??;)

I have nothing further to say. I stand by my words.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 443

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-09-09 18:47:58

Originally posted by rajcanada

These things have nothing to do being a new immigrant. Don't you see the word "contract" written all over, even on the cellphones on display on the shelf. With or without reading you signed the contract and either way you are responsible. As a Canadian citizen, if you sign a contract, won't you be responsible?

Unfortunately, it has everything to do with new immigrant as he/she is not aware of how contract/system works here. After some time everybody is aware of the systems and deal with it. I am sure you know even if you sign contract for 3 years with Rogers/Bell (probably with all cell phone companies) and when you call them to cancel (thinking you have completed 3 years contract obligations), they will inform you that you have to give one month notice to cancel their service.

How anybody can read such long contracts (whether bank/phone/mortgage/insurance, etc.) and even after reading & understanding it what somebody can do. All these contracts are non-negotiable and consumer have no choice. After sometime, new immigrant also become valuable customer for these companies and they are more willing to negotiate (then nobody care what is written in the contract) and that's why this has everything to do with new immigrant.

Also, signing contract has nothing to do with Canadian Citizenship (OP is a new immigrant as mentioned in many of her/his posts).

On a lighter note, TK is a Canadian Citizen (as mention in his earlier post) and where he will go (LEAVE) now?????

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