Usa Driving license and Canadian Driving license

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Member since: Jun 06
Posts: 47

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-07-15 01:37:55

Hi Friends

I have question about Driving license.

1. If I am Canadian citizen

2. If I have G1 AND G2 Canadian license from 2 years

3.If I have also USA Driving license.

4. If I am green card holder

5. Can I renew the Canadian license or not its about to expire

6. Its legal or illegal


Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-07-15 02:06:02

Go ahead and renew it.
It is legal.
Canada offers dual citizenship and besides you are only a Green card holder.

It is perfectly OK. (just renew the Canadian license)


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-07-15 06:28:52

If I am not mistaken , you can perhaps hold only one drivers license when you reside in one country as you exchange your license claiming your experience in the other country.

I may be wrong ... better clarify with MTO.


Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-07-15 06:52:10

There are some varying views.
If you report to MTO, they will ask you surrender it as all they know is that you are in Canada and hence only Canadian licence is valid. Same goes for US licence.

However, it is wise to renew licence / hold it as long as you have a permanent place of residence in both Canada and USA. For example, your son may be a software engineer in California and you go to his house often (say 3 months in a year). You have have another home in Canada, where you stay 9 months in a year. So in this case, it bodes well for you to have both USA and Canadian licence so that you can use it at the respective places. You can also save on the insurance.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 942

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-07-15 11:58:32

Originally posted by hkthakkar

5. Can I renew the Canadian license or not its about to expire

-- Yes. Since you already have a Canadian DL, You should be able to renew it independently without exchanging your US DL. In case you mention your US DL, they will most likely ask for it.

6. Its legal or illegal

-- Not sure about the legality, but they discourage holding onto your US Driver's license while having Canadian DL.

Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-07-15 14:53:35

You cannot renew G2 license without giving the road have to give the road test again or go for the G you can get G2 again or G again.

You can only renew a full G license or G1 license without ANY road test.

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-07-15 16:38:37

Originally posted by hkthakkar

Hi Friends

I have question about Driving license.

1. If I am Canadian citizen

2. If I have G1 AND G2 Canadian license from 2 years

3.If I have also USA Driving license.

4. If I am green card holder

5. Can I renew the Canadian license or not its about to expire

6. Its legal or illegal


First and the most important thing required to renew your Auto License here in Canada is a PERMANENT Address here, where you will be making your home. If you do not have one, then ask one of your friends if you will be allowed to use their residential address for such purposes. (Your Driving record will enter the picture and might reflect the same in their Auto Insurance Premiums for their next year.)

You must present yourself there with your Canadian Passport, (Preferably with the same address) and or any of the Bills and Invoices with your name and/or a lease agreement, to prove your location and residence.

Then the rest follows. If you have a license that is recognized and verifiable by the Department of Motor Vehicles, here in Toronto, Ontario, then they will ignore all of the other G licenses you have gone through here. (It will automatically show in their system too that you have completed it in the past.) All of the details that you want to claim are all interlinked and verifiable and are lodged in their data bank.

I am sure currently all of the States are linked with M.O.T. Data bases. Otherwise, you will have to bring them in a paper form for them to have a copy.

I am sure they will renew it even if it is (Your Canadian) DL has expired and the period after the expiry is no more than a year.

Check with SERVICE ONTARIO centers and they have a web link and a phone # that you can call and ask for the details of their requirements providing them with whatever that you have posted to us here.

Hope this helps.

You have to be there in person to renew. They will also take a picture of you which stays in their data base. You can have as many DL's as you want to carry. It is legal, if it is Valid and not expired. Also you can drive here in Canada for 60 days, unless you are in transit and travel back and forth crossing the border frequently.

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