US driving license

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Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 942

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-09-09 16:57:17

Originally posted by newbieca

No...l have SSN rite now.. but its also gonna expire on the same day my visa will expire and my US license will expire...

-- Your SSN NEVER expires - it is yours for the lifetime. Therefore, if that is the only thing that you were concerned about, (in my opinion) it is still worth finding out how you can renew your US license, wait and renew it if possible and then exchange it for full G Ontario license.

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 125

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-09-09 11:06:18

ohh.. i dint knew abt that..i thought my SSN will expire with my visa...

lf thats the case i guess i can wait and get G license directly and if i plan to buy car before that then i can exchange it with G2 and then later on can give exam for G...

And also if you can help me out in one more thing...

Wats the driving abstract...MTO asked me to get that if i want to exchange my license. ???

Member since: Dec 05
Posts: 942

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-09-09 12:11:23

Originally posted by newbieca
Wats the driving abstract...MTO asked me to get that if i want to exchange my license. ???

It is your driving record - you can obtain this from DMV and they charge a nominal fee for that. Check your US DMV web site, they will have it. The record should be as current as possible, therefore - you should get it only once it becomes necessary for you to have it. (The stale copies might be rejected by the ON MTO)

Member since: Jan 09
Posts: 125

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-09-09 12:39:56

Thanks very much for your help dude...

Contributors: newbieca(6) cdn_dude(5)

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