Hello Friends, my mom is currently in Canada on super-visa. Her passport expires in June 2014. Although, her super-visa is valid till September 2014.
I was wondering if anyone knows if I am able to get her passport renewed in Canada while she is still here. Or does it have to be renewed in India?
I understand that she has to get the super-visa again as she will be getting a new passport. I was hoping to save some time by way of getting the passport renewed here in Canada if possible.
Appreciate your help guys!
There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; The fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.
Originally posted by Indian
Hello Friends, my mom is currently in Canada on super-visa. Her passport expires in June 2014. Although, her super-visa is valid till September 2014.
I was wondering if anyone knows if I am able to get her passport renewed in Canada while she is still here. Or does it have to be renewed in India?
I understand that she has to get the super-visa again as she will be getting a new passport. I was hoping to save some time by way of getting the passport renewed here in Canada if possible.
Appreciate your help guys!
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