preparing my tools for time to come

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 231

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-07-04 02:57:40

hello friends
first i would like to thank you for making this site a great information centre for new immigrants and afcourse the desi living in canada.....

only few days back i fill up my immigration papers and hope to land there in 2-3 years. well i have read many topics here relating to new immigrants and all....
and i have found that its really hard to get a job in canadian market so what i come up with is alternative to find a good job.
firstly let me intoduce u with me and family
we are settled in chandigarh (punjab)
my resume:-
i am b-tech in electrical enginnering (but with ver low marks)
1 yr advance diploma in hardware & networking enginnering
1 yr experience uitll now
my wife resume:-
she is b-tech in electronic enginnering
2 yr work experience

so without waisting any time further lets come to point:-
ques 1 : does marks in study count there very much to secure a job in ur field? or it is ur knowledge bout ur field?
ques 2: my wife has secure very good marks this yr in CAT (entance exam for mba in india) and she may get admission in IIMS or PU (CHD).......Is the mba done from these institutes here will help her secure a good job in canada? or she need to study even after coming there.
ques 3: if i want to continue with my studies and want to do m-tech computer from univ in canada after coming there can i do it.......will that help me find a job in my field.
ques 4: we both have also upto level 4 in french from alliance chandigarh? will it be helpfull for finding a job?

if you guys can just answer these questions i shall be heartly thankfull to u cauz it will help us alot in developing a better future in canada.

Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 91
Location: World Wide Web

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-07-04 05:38:01

I'm yet to do my landing in canada. But from what i've gained to know from this forum can be summed up in one line "YOU NEED CANADIAN WORK EXPERIENCE" even if you have a PHD from india it does not assure you of a secure job. Even a simple technician with 3 years of canadian experience will stand a better chance of job then a newcomer.
The trick is to take any innitial job which is the nearest to your line of work, gain some experience, collect your contacts and in 2-3 years time think of gainful fulltime experience. Of course if you have a 'pot of funds' then you can wait for the right job whick can tale anywhere from 6 months to infinity.
Since you've applied recently, it will take atlease 2-3 years to get that time hopefully the jobmarket will pick up in canada.

Remember, I've not yet been there, but this is my assesment of the canadian job scene right now.....Hope it helps

Stay in touch with this forum till you get your visas.


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