Orginally posted by moreno
Iam one of the confused lot...with indecisive mind...
Orginally posted by moreno
and i generally log in to get help at this...asian community forum...and to get help in making decision to move....
Orginally posted by moreno
and let me be very honest...90% of impressions what one gets are negative...
Orginally posted by moreno
so rest 10% got speak out...to help and guide others..after all we are in the era of teamwork...
The Cynic
One of the reasons why highly skilled immigrants in Canada may be unhappy as compared to U.S., might be because U.S. usually doesn't allow anybody to go there without job offer. Most of highly skilled people get their GC also based on employment. Based on discussions on CD, it seems jobs are major worry for most people. One way to obtain U.S. GC without employment is NIW, which is for scientists,artists etc. I have seen one person who was Principal scientist of one of the national institutes in India come to U.S. without employment offer through NIW. He could not get any job in U.S.at his level , finally he joined as research assistant in a prof.s lab. He had 20 years of experience and Ph.D. As you know RA is given to graduate students. So, this person was compelled to take even below entry level job. Thus, if US GC is open as canadian PR, we might find similar level of frustration among US immigrants. This could be one of the reasons along with size of economy etc.
all r talking about good job, it,etc. what about section of people who do cash jobs in us and still enjoy there as compare to CANADA.
All talk about grocery cost of 500 ... I never found it more than 300 unless i gain 5 kg per month. how much u can eat.. does this 500 include cable, internet all such expenses... BTW if the person is in high demand IT area or scientist with good credentials ... there is no life and death situations... Let us have some more feedback for peple who r not that lucky to have done computer science or accounting.
trying to find real persons
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