What is Canadian Experience? Immigrants Puzzle!

Many new arrivals to Canada and Toronto in particular discover that they cannot get an IT job as soon as they arrive - no matter their level of skill or experience. The reasons given usually center around language skills and lack of "Canadian experience".

What is Canadian experience?

Canadian experience usually means having experience interacting with people in the context of the culture found in Canada. Every culture is different. For instance, relationships between supervisors and sub-ordinates vary from culture to culture; and country to country. And Toronto is the most cultural diverse city in the world!

How can I get Canadian experience without a Canadian job?

Getting Canadian experience without a job:
Volunteer. Volunteering for a charitable or cultural organization will help you to get Canadian experience and references.

There are many charitable and cultural organizations in Toronto and across Canada that need volunteers.

When you volunteer you are working. And you have someone that you will report to - a supervisor. You work with other people - usually in English.

The end result is that you gain Canadian experience. Experience that provides you with practical experience about the culture. Practical experience in speaking English and learning the local idiom, expressions, etc. And you gain References - from the person or persons that supervized you; and the people that you work with.

How do I find a charitable organization?
There are a number of groups in Toronto that can direct you to charitable organizations that need your help and in turn can help you to gain Canadian experience.

The Possibilities Project is a great place to start looking. http://www.possibilitiesproject.com/

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-09-04 22:26:51


Evidently you have a problem with comprehensive. Try reading again, give it another shot.........

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-09-04 22:37:37

BL,Chandresh , Entre and all friends who are interested .... i am all up for an informal meeting. Any weekend works for me between now till mid Oct.

You all are welcome at my place. If you prefer Timmy ho's ....any location works for me .....for suggestions how about the one at harbourfront on the lake (Queens quay and York st downtown ) .... i can arrange for free parking ....for 7-8 cars.

Above quote from Mhr India.


Yeah next Saturday or Sunday sounds jes dandy fer me! Should we make it Saturday? Since Sunday, you sound busy, Chandresh, like the MBA fair and then Temptation 2004.Mebbe fittin' in between the two might prove a bit dicey. Are u meeting up with Desimisri there Chandresh? Sounds like an interesting fella.

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-09-04 22:41:28


Evidently you have a problem with comprehensive. Try reading again, give it another shot.........

Hi Crenshaw- bone up on yer English pal!
Anyway just chuck it. Ain't worth it squabbling!

Get what you want by helping others get what they want

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-09-04 23:00:44

Just a typo bud..........I'd intended "your comprehension".

Lol, agreed, this squabbling is pointless.

Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 142
Location: Dubai

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-09-04 06:19:46

Desi Misri,

Fanatastic Post !!!!!!!!!!

They say reality bites !!!!!!!!! Those who are not ....blabber on this forum bashing about their success..........

Those so called successful guys' words cant be considered as Testament......

As you had rightfully mentioned, while in Rome do like Romans..

Hence while in Canada........do like Canadians........or at least try dyin.....


U win some...lose some...everything is not justified in this world.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 274
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-09-04 06:49:32

Orginally posted by the-entrepreneur
Mebbe this site really oughtta be put as a link on the CIC site.

Talking about putting a link on CIC website, I received a reply from the site administrator saying "I will review your Web site for consideration".

Man's Best Friend :H

Mishtar India   
Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 668
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-09-04 07:13:22

About Meeting next sunday

Actually next sunday might work out well. I will be at Toronto convention center as well from 2-6pm on Sunday 26th Sept.
Any time slot suits me ...we can take some time out and spend some time over some cofee and muffins. meeting at a Tim hortons opposite the convention cetre would be a good spot, or maybe we can meet in the food court of convention center itself .

I saw the ad of Toronto MBA and univ fair in the newspaper today ....I feel like checking it out as well.

What do you guys say? Does it work for all those interested.?

What can be imagined, can be achieved.

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