What is Canadian Experience? Immigrants Puzzle!

Many new arrivals to Canada and Toronto in particular discover that they cannot get an IT job as soon as they arrive - no matter their level of skill or experience. The reasons given usually center around language skills and lack of "Canadian experience".

What is Canadian experience?

Canadian experience usually means having experience interacting with people in the context of the culture found in Canada. Every culture is different. For instance, relationships between supervisors and sub-ordinates vary from culture to culture; and country to country. And Toronto is the most cultural diverse city in the world!

How can I get Canadian experience without a Canadian job?

Getting Canadian experience without a job:
Volunteer. Volunteering for a charitable or cultural organization will help you to get Canadian experience and references.

There are many charitable and cultural organizations in Toronto and across Canada that need volunteers.

When you volunteer you are working. And you have someone that you will report to - a supervisor. You work with other people - usually in English.

The end result is that you gain Canadian experience. Experience that provides you with practical experience about the culture. Practical experience in speaking English and learning the local idiom, expressions, etc. And you gain References - from the person or persons that supervized you; and the people that you work with.

How do I find a charitable organization?
There are a number of groups in Toronto that can direct you to charitable organizations that need your help and in turn can help you to gain Canadian experience.

The Possibilities Project is a great place to start looking. http://www.possibilitiesproject.com/

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 274
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-09-04 19:03:21

Hi BL, the Boss,

Thanks for your invitation. I would be there for the meeting.

I know how BKB and Chandresh lool like so no problem in locating them. Let us finalize the time and place and if possible, agenda.

Man's Best Friend :H

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 13:26:50

Thanks for your comments Blue Lobster. You guys are certainly doing a good job maintaining this site, I'm sure many prospective and new immigrants benefit tremendously from it.

I'm pretty certain that people like us are not the exception here. Looking at one of the polls that I saw on the home page, about 18.5% of respondents said they found employment in their own field within a month of their arrival! That's a lot better than one would imagine from a plain reading of a lot of the posts on this site.

Wish more people would have a look at these polls and comment on them.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 13:29:31

Thanks for your comments Blue Lobster. You guys are certainly doing a good job maintaining this site, I'm sure many prospective and new immigrants benefit tremendously from it.

I'm pretty certain that people like us are not the exception here. Looking at one of the polls that I saw on the home page, about 18.5% of respondents said they found employment in their own field within a month of their arrival! That's a lot better than one would imagine from a plain reading of a lot of the posts on this site.

Wish more people would have a look at these polls and comment on them.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 28
Location: mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 14:15:14

Mr Crenshaw.
I was just drafting a post for Deep where I was to mention exactly that- your polls would suggest that the majority are quite satisfied with their lot here in Canada.
The first one asking if people think if it is worth it that they made the transition here- 40% say yes and 20 % say no and the rest are in between. That is not what one would assume reading all the posts here.
One would think that 40% are not happy and that less than 20% are happy.
Have to go back to work.
Desi Misri

while in Rome do as the Romans do

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 285

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 16:34:26

Orginally posted by desimisri
The first one asking if people think if it is worth it that they made the transition here- 40% say yes and 20 % say no and the rest are in between. That is not what one would assume reading all the posts here.
One would think that 40% are not happy and that less than 20% are happy.

the funnier thing is, those who are not happy want everyone to believe that they comprise 99% of all immigrants...

"the earth goes around the moon because i said so and if you disagree you are 1% of the population who is poisoning the minds of other astronomers by giving an incorrect picture of the solar system (which is actually the lunar system, but if you disagree with that, refer to the 1% rule)"...

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 19
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 18:46:24

Hi all you canadiandesis and canadiandesies-after all we are in a country where French is one of the official languages so why not neologize a la francais?

Our president has expressed the general view of our club. I am giving you the perspective of all women here. It has taken all of 3 days as we all had to arrive at a consensus on what to say collectively and you know how women can be-ha ha!

We are all from countries where women are overtly suppressed and in some countries do not even enjoy suffrage. Most had our first taste of freedom when we went to India to study. However upon completion we went home and could not adjust to the situation there so we applied for immigration to Canada that promised so much to us with their great posters. Then the rude shock when we came here to learn we had to requalify and work as “slaves” in the meantime. Be informed we really thought that degrees from India would be accepted here as in our countries India is considered as a Mecca of education for the middle class who cannot afford England and N.A. A mini metro called Pune in India is known in the Middle East as the Oxford of the East.
So we worked in factories, pizza chains, restaurants, Sears and need I go on? However, we re-studied and fought against long odds so that we wouldn’t have to go home, so that our uncles and aunts would force us to marry people twice our age who would have us conduct our lives as if we were in 600 AD.
With unbelievable determination we finally after 2-3 tough years, with the proper Canadian certification, are able to get jobs in our field even if at an entry level. We personally do not know the meaning of Canadian work experience because the majority of us got a job in our field after getting Canadian certification. Despite having worked in unrelated fields, we got jobs in our field after getting the necessary Canadian certification. We feel what the employers want is to know we have passed out from a school they have heard of or are comfortable with, even if we have, like most 2nd and 3rd
Canadians, done odd jobs while studying. The basic requirement is a “ruddi” ( I am only using a word I picked up from this site) from a Canadian college. Canadian work experience is just a fabricated tale. We basically tell people when they ask about Canada- we say come here with a five year plan- do not expect that right at the outset you will get what you came for. Work out a five year plan and then work your plan. You will be surprised at the dividends you reap. You won’t become Carly Fiona but you won’t be down in the dumps as well.
But The Canadian Experience. Here’s a spin from us single girls. Here we live the Canadian experience, as in India but in a cleaner ambience, wearing jeans, strappy tops sans headgear, wear make-up in public,walking the shops, going to coffee shops, beer parlors,chatting up the boys, going on dates, going to Masala! Mehndi! Mehndi!, going to theatres, seeing movies like Vanilla Sky and fantasizing that we are Cameron Diaz making out with Tom Cruise – hmm! you should see all the wicked smiles on all the girls’ faces who are pouring over my shoulder as I write this- just thought we’d spice up an otherwise dry post- imagine what this world would be without us women-so grumpy! Ha!Ha! The very taste of freedom is so enlivening! We can also go see Shania Twain, Enrique Iglesias and also the Temptation 2004 coming up soon that too without cloak and veil- even with those on we wouldn’t be allowed in our country.
So how’d you like the twist on Canadian experience? You have to admit it brought a smile to your lips. Why are most contributors to site mainly guys?
Hi Cherryl from all of us here also hi to all you guys!
I don’t look like Ash but pretty close, how I wish. How about a brown version of Cameron Diaz? Any unmarried brown Tom Cruises out there? Ha !Ha!

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 19
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-09-04 18:53:01

In all the excitement we forgot to tell you that this site is great. We have recommended it to many people from all over the world. Please do your utmost to have it as a link on the CIC. It would be a big feather in your cap, but besides that to the many who we are unable to communicate with and not in our direct and indirect circuit of contact, it will be very helpful
Keep up the dynamite work!

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