What is Canadian Experience? Immigrants Puzzle!

Many new arrivals to Canada and Toronto in particular discover that they cannot get an IT job as soon as they arrive - no matter their level of skill or experience. The reasons given usually center around language skills and lack of "Canadian experience".

What is Canadian experience?

Canadian experience usually means having experience interacting with people in the context of the culture found in Canada. Every culture is different. For instance, relationships between supervisors and sub-ordinates vary from culture to culture; and country to country. And Toronto is the most cultural diverse city in the world!

How can I get Canadian experience without a Canadian job?

Getting Canadian experience without a job:
Volunteer. Volunteering for a charitable or cultural organization will help you to get Canadian experience and references.

There are many charitable and cultural organizations in Toronto and across Canada that need volunteers.

When you volunteer you are working. And you have someone that you will report to - a supervisor. You work with other people - usually in English.

The end result is that you gain Canadian experience. Experience that provides you with practical experience about the culture. Practical experience in speaking English and learning the local idiom, expressions, etc. And you gain References - from the person or persons that supervized you; and the people that you work with.

How do I find a charitable organization?
There are a number of groups in Toronto that can direct you to charitable organizations that need your help and in turn can help you to gain Canadian experience.

The Possibilities Project is a great place to start looking. http://www.possibilitiesproject.com/

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 80
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 15:52:55

We had a lot of discussion which I patiently read thru.
An idea is just coming to my mind for quite some time now.

All successful or unsuccessful( in terms of money, JOB satisfaction, chilren education, calling siblings or parents to canada.. etc. etc.) persons should work togetherTO GIVE GOOD REFERENCE LETTERS AND CANADIAN EXPERIENCE CERTS. for REALLY GOOD ACTIVE NEW IMMIGRANTS.
Some may go for real industry and business instead of real estate and insurance etc so that our own people can generate jobs like they do in USA.
I know that canadian shortage of good jobs has developed a system so that these jobs only go to goras.
just yesterday, I came across a resume of a canadian..
1. Just a graduate degree.. and he an eduaction specialist for sun life..
How can he be a specialist with no education line studies.
2. he said he is an expert in pension funds... how can he be an expert without any completion of related courses... while they insist on same from us... without that they do not even start considering our application..
So .. do not believe them .. MAKE YOUR OWN GAME PLAN... yes it is more of a game.
3. so called successful people r also generally saving their job .. so they r in no real position to help new people... most of the time ( PLEASE DO NOT USE AS AN EXCUSE for not helping )
Help and compassion are said to be basic Indian socialis society traits. Let us not forget them and use them.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 80
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 16:03:44

At some of the threads I have noticed that the main topic is lost. here again it has happened.
by the way..It is a good Idea to help desis... ( OK It should be indian , Paki,nepali,Sri lankan).
But we r loosing basic fact again .. how to create more jobs for us.. desis.
By the way .. is there a def. for a good job.

An IT job is good!

what kind of IT job... programming... wreck your brain on it..and I am not sure .. get how much.. 60000?
It is to generate a job generation thoughts.. action plans.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 80
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 16:07:33

At some of the threads I have noticed that the main topic is lost. here again it has happened.
by the way..It is a good Idea to help desis... ( OK It should be indian , Paki,nepali,Sri lankan).
But we r loosing basic fact again .. how to create more jobs for us.. desis.
By the way .. is there a def. for a good job.

An IT job is good!

what kind of IT job... programming... wreck your brain on it..and I am not sure .. get how much.. 60000?
It is to generate a job generation thoughts.. action plans.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 80
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 16:13:27

hello, i have two replies posted her.
Actually the desis response is so fast that I thought I posted my reply on the wrong thread. Sorry for that .. and the site admin.. if u can remove one of the copy of my post..


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 10
Location: Waterloo

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 16:28:37

Dear Chandresh,

I have not called you any names except referred to you as a loser. In IIT talk that is a wake up call to mend your ways and do something positive, it is not name calling. You are a professional and should be able to do something about it. If I referred to a peon as a loser, that would be name calling since he can’t do anything about it, though the late Sethji Dhirubai Ambani (bless the gentleman)would dispute that.
Just to let you know that this past weekend I was in Toronto staying with some friends who are members of a group of ex Mumbaiites. On Saturday, 26 of us went out traipsing, both guys and gals alike, some married, including a gay desi couple, and some not. Every last person from this group is a member of Canadian desi and had contributed at one time or another their positive vibes but were knocked down by being told they were exceptions rather than the rule. They decided to leave the forum because of this. Some still visit only to read but rarely to contribute. They informed me that recently you had decided to form a Canadian chapter of the Indian chartered accountants and that certain people who had contacts therein had actually done the groundwork but nothing materialized. Another thing is that a thread to form a group of ex Mumbaiites was also formed but nothing materialized. They are also betting that the current thread on ex Dubaiites, where BKB, one of the sane guys on this forum, suggested that we all meet at a Tim Horton’s, will also be lost into oblivion, mainly because the originator of the thread Cheryl said she is too busy until October, By the time Oct rolls around the thread will be lost. IE, you guys only talk but do not act this is not my opinion but of 26 successful desi professionals here in Canada and they claim they know many more such individuals.
Also on another thread I mentioned that instead of posting success stories of Vibha and Amol Gandhe and Sharda Batra and Dr Sharma from the Voice the story of a failure, Ghulam Rasool was posted. Also there is currently a thread of some guy Raju asking for help and there are only 25 replies (again the only guy really giving good info is BKB), whereas “I am not coming to Canada”( again good info only given by BKB and to some extent Teja Gill) and “Canadian experience” and “really shockin…” all have hit the ton or will soon. There was also a thread by a rshastry who in 4 months landed a job in his field. This thread has lost its space on the front page after less than 20 postings. Hope you are getting my drift.
There was a guy working for BMO Nesbitt with us also who says that even though Clint (to use BKB’s nickname for the guy) had chosen option 4, nobody told him that the average income of insurance advisors belonging to “Kayfa” or something like that, after 4 years in the business is $160,000. Maybe that would have changed his mind. maybe not but that should have been mentioned.
In order to give a balanced perspective – both the negative and positive sides should be posted on this forum. However 100 % of the people I was with this past weekend thought the site was more negative than positive. That should be a wake up call to you moderators and originators of this site. Please do not use my aggressive attitude as an excuse not to improve. Try and get more people with a positive attitude involved and contribute more to the positive threads instead of letting them die out in a short time.
Just a little info here, When I applied in DXB to come here, a Canadian guy named Curtis Panke showed us a pie chart where he showed us that one-third of the professionals who come here finally get a job in their field, one third in related fields and one third had to completely change their fields. It seems this is still true according to a guy in Saturday’s group who was born in Mumbai but brought up in Mauritius and works here with the govt compiling such data. So all your bickering about 90% not getting jobs in their fields is balderdash.
Personally, I am taking the route of the 26 people I was with and will not contribute further but will visit just to read what is happening and hope against hope that this site will become more positive than it currently is.
Dubai hater.
P.S.Blue Lobster moderator- you are one of the good guys- you won’t have to worry about my attacking personality as I am bidding your so far negative site adieu and joining a group of successful desis who believe in Arindham Chaudhari and the like.
Teja Gill-You are hardly contributing anymore- are you also a reader and don’t care to waste your time contributing? Your English is impeccable. Keep it up and sock it to the Canadians.

Member since: May 04
Posts: 68

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 20:56:32

^^^^ thats rite.

Most guys on this thread are negative who have set this in their minds that CANADA is discriminatory and the system is aginst them.

Few people have replied back but they are shot down as being lucky and fortunate and therefore .......arguing again that canadian system is to blame.


Orginally posted by Makapao76
Personally, I am taking the route of the 26 people I was with and will not contribute further but will visit just to read


Friends, you have the whole forum for yourself to cry now... complain all you want.



Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-04 22:00:42

Makapao- you do have an analytical mind. I think you have expressed my feelings about this site very lucidly. As a matter of fact you have enumerated all the negatives and have also shown that positive posts have short lives. Way to hustle, bud! And this last post has been well formulated and expressed in a thanda tone rather than the garam tone you have been using. Too bad to note you will not be posting any more comments. They were all to the point and very true.
Out of interest, which is this Mumbai group you have joined? Sounds like they have quite a sybaritic lifestyle or was that only that one night?- you posted the wild time you had on another thread. Please do post your contact so those interested in contacting you may do so. On 2nd thought refrain from doing so- you might get a lot of hate mail.
Anyway, will miss your crisp and lashing tongue. It was fun while it lasted.


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