Driving licence

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Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 23
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-05-08 13:59:48

1st time on canadian desi.Pls help me.
I have taken G2 already.I hav good experience of driving in dubai with a letter also.Now i want to apply 4 G.I guess if i take few lessons to know canadian rules that r diffrent from dubai, i shud be ok.But i hav heard that if i don't hav a cerificate i hav to pay more on insurance.What shud i do?Can u also suggest me which driving school can giv me best price..


Member since: Oct 06
Posts: 58

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-05-08 08:40:15

Call Mr Baldev Gill. He is really gem of a person. Would teach you few lessons and give you a certificate that would help you futher in saving a lot on Insurance.

416 704 3408 call him and give my reference. Tell Mr. Vikram Khanna from brampton has given you his reference. He would charge you very resonable. Shop around and then start taking lessons my friend.

Wish you Good luck Vikas -Priya n family.

Member since: Apr 08
Posts: 23
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-06-08 20:45:31

Thanx a lot dear!

I will call him up 2day.

Tell me about urself.What do u do?


Member since: Mar 08
Posts: 17

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 10:50:01


I did go through the same process. However, I attended classes that give in class training on driving and also car training.

You can check out ROAD EXPERTS OF CANADA. They are located in Mississauga in Dundas Area. The phone number is 905.230.6999 or 416.558.8558. You can speak to the person called Narinder or Nick.

If you want you can refer my name, Manish and say you got the contact from there and explain your situation.

They have a website also so you can check it by your ownself. But as mentioned by other colleagues, shop round before selecting.



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