Alert ! Please secure your webcams...

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Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 15:33:27

If a desktop computer is turned off from the electric power source and no UPS is connected, there is no away any device on the computer (USB or otherwise) can operate.
Laptops can operate on battery and a USB device can continue to draw power from the battery, so it's possible for a camera to operate on a laptop that's not plugged into an electric power source.

Another requirement for this to happen is that there has to be some program on the user's computer that is reading from the camera.
A camera cannot capture and transmit images to a website without a software program.

The situation described in that specific article is technically possible because the computer was on and a trojan program was installed and running.

I would suspect though that the majority of such "news" is hoax and panic mongering.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

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Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 15:39:37

Originally posted by pratickm

If a desktop computer is turned off from the electric power source and no UPS is connected, there is no away any device on the computer (USB or otherwise) can operate.

Laptops can operate on battery and a USB device can continue to draw power from the battery, so it's possible for a camera to operate on a laptop that's not plugged into an electric power source.

Even though the laptop does have a battery, it needs to be switched on in order for any USB port to draw power from the battery.

Anyways, I see someone is keep you very busy since last evening...:)

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 344
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 16:14:55

Have you guys heard of KEY-STROKER....

This is a program which records every key stroke of your computer keyboard.

Now if I tell you that there is a virus where this program is automatically installed on your computer & each of your key stroke is been recorder somewhere through internet, would you guys believe it ??????

By telling you every key stroke, I mean all your account nos & password, all your credit card numbers & all your personal information which you type on your computer.

Would u guys stop using your keyboard ???????

Everybody who is having an online account with ICICI bank Canada, might have noticed that they have now a virtual keyboard on their log-in page so that users don't have to enter the password through keyboard.

Come on guys....... there are lot of things in the world that can be done. That does'nt mean that you daunt away......

Have you guys ever wonder how come MICROSOFT can come into your computer & can scan it for updates & if necessary can even install the required updates without you been even asked (there is a trick to avoid this). It can even tell you what genuine softwares you have & what not.

Its all part of the game !!!!!!!!!


Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 429
Location: Ohio

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 16:41:26

Originally posted by irock

Have you guys heard of KEY-STROKER....

This is a program which records every key stroke of your computer keyboard.

Now if I tell you that there is a virus where this program is automatically installed on your computer & each of your key stroke is been recorder somewhere through internet, would you guys believe it ??????

By telling you every key stroke, I mean all your account nos & password, all your credit card numbers & all your personal information which you type on your computer.

Would u guys stop using your keyboard ???????

Everybody who is having an online account with ICICI bank Canada, might have noticed that they have now a virtual keyboard on their log-in page so that users don't have to enter the password through keyboard.

Come on guys....... there are lot of things in the world that can be done. That does'nt mean that you daunt away......

BTW Blazzingtool's perfect key logger works like a charm...even with remote actually piggy backs on any file to be sent to a remote computer.....;)

Member since: May 07
Posts: 239
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 20:29:42

Originally posted by irock

Have you guys heard of KEY-STROKER....

Everybody who is having an online account with ICICI bank Canada, might have noticed that they have now a virtual keyboard on their log-in page so that users don't have to enter the password through keyboard.

If any of CDs with other banks who do not provide virtual keboard are concern about this. You can use windows virtual keboard. :cheers:

On the Start menu:
Point to Programs.
Point to Accessories.
Point to Accessibility.
Select On–Screen Keyboard.

PS : Sorry for pulling this thread from webcam to keyboard. I felt it was a good opportunity to share this point with CDs who are not aware of it.

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 22:03:27

Originally posted by Maharaj

Yes, it is scary, I read it yesterday - but it defies my logic.

I still have to 'research' ... not sure how USB webcam can transmit data when Computer itself is Powered Off. Absolutely makes No Sense.

Where in the article is it written that USB webcam would transmit data when computer itself is powered off? It only says "Remember a hacked webcam can send pictures even when it is not switched on." "It" refers to webcam and not the computer.

Originally posted by HelloG

Totally agree. This is something like I heard sometime ago that you can dial 911 from a phone that doesn't have a dial tone!

You can call 911 from even nonactivated cell phones as long as they catch the signal

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Member since: Nov 05
Posts: 310
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-08-08 22:37:05

Originally posted by Iknownothing

Originally posted by meitsme

I am not sure but may be because of internal battery of laptop gives power to USB port.

Can pigs fly?....I'm not sure....may be they can use their limbs as wings.

Hey, let's not digress from the main topic ! :D

I have been following this thread very closely, and am really curious to see how far this one goes !!!

I wonder what the reaction would be from someone who has been considering buying a laptop with an inbuilt webcam- OMG, or WTF ????????? :confused:


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