Canadian driver in india

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Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 3
Location: TO

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-04-04 04:02:58

now that i am used to driving here...and have learnt to stop at stop signs as well as for pedestrians, to wait for the green light on crossing and to obey the speed limit etc.. i'm almost certain that if i go back to india for visit and decide to drive there, i will certainly get into an accident and get killed beacuse driving there is like playing grand theft auto on playstation here....
....but then I live and drive in Markham (with all the chinamen)... so i guess i wont do that bad in India after all.

did u have any interesting experiences while driving in indian after driving here for a while?


Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 733
Location: Bahrain

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-06-04 05:08:37

On my last Indian visit I did the never-2-b-repeated mistake of taking the wheel of the car on an adjoining Delhi Highway which was clearly 2 lane wide ---I cud clearly hear the honk of the bus approaching from behind in an a non existent lane in a \"i care hoot\" manner . I kept 2 ,my lane signalling him that there was no way --- guess what he came right by my side over took me and swerved immediately right w/o any warnings hitting the front left side of the maruti with his rear right .The car hit the divider on the right (70- 80 kmph) came back on the road after control..............The guy wudnt stop ....... I called up the Cops who stopped him @ the next check post .

The daroga tried explaining me 2 compromise --- I was aghast --- I blurted out the instant thought which flashed 2 my mind \" What if ur wife and son were in the car and they wud ve died ???? --- U will let this scoundrel go and he will repeat it again !!! \" That rung the bell and he booked the driver .

Seems no1 seems 2 care abt traffic in India a fact which u realise when driving abroad ......


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