PR holder, Baby born outside of canada, what to do?

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Member since: Jun 08
Posts: 23

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-01-10 05:49:52

Hello every one,

I,have two questions and i need some help.

I am a PR holder and i am outside of Canada right now. I am expecting a child in July and we will be back to Canada in October, what about my child,s documents and how,ll he/she enter Canada. Will the Canadian embassy where i am help?

2- What about the tax file if I have been outside of Canada for 2 years?

Thanx for your help and appreciate your full covering answer.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-01-10 10:42:25

Originally posted by nverlander

Hello every one,

I,have two questions and i need some help.

I am a PR holder and i am outside of Canada right now. I am expecting a child in July and we will be back to Canada in October, what about my child,s documents and how,ll he/she enter Canada. Will the Canadian embassy where i am help?

2- What about the tax file if I have been outside of Canada for 2 years?

Thanx for your help and appreciate your full covering answer.


Here are the two answers to the questions:

You are a PR of Canada. Now the next question is: "IS your Wife a PR of Canada?"
The child that will be born Needs a Birth Certificate from the location that it will be born. It will also need a Passport for Personal Identification, either from the Country where you both are from, or from the location where it it will be born. Based on this and with the Passport that the baby will hold, you have to apply for an Entry Visa, just like you did for yourself and request for a PR Visa into Canada. But You will have to be within Canada to do this while your wife and the baby lives outside of Canada.

There will be some time delay you will face from this process and it might not coincide with your plan of moving into Canada. Please make sure that you keep up with the health records after the birth and have a family Doctor to take care of its needs.

Then when ever the Family Doctor says that "the Baby is ready for travels" and "the Visa is obtained from Canadian Immigration", you prepare yourself for the same. It does take some time, much much more than what you are currently anticipating and your plan needs revision. Time delays? Yes, but they are uncertain to even venture a guess, at the current time.

2) Tax filing depends upon what are all the cards that you applied for when you first landed and if you also opened a Bank account, bought a house or obtained a Driver's license etc., It is a process that needs clearance from the Revenue Canada. But if you can provide us with all of the details, which might be cumbersome and time consuming, I would say do what you feel is necessary, after you answer a few of the above questions to yourself.

Now for the alternative solution. Your wife is currently carrying the baby. Is she a PR of Canada? Has she landed here with you? If so, is she fit for the travels into Canada currently? Or within the next month or so. Will her Doctor allow her to travel to Canada? There are all of the questions you will have to find the answers to. Are you in a stable financial state to support her stay here in Canada for the next twelve months? If so, move back in. Or settle her down and get her the Health Card that she will need and make her feel comfortable here in Canada. Or if you have a circle of friends who will do the looking after, then, you can move back to work, there, where ever you are currently working, if it is feasible. Don't forget that the needs double after the Baby's birth and she will need additional support and assistance for the initial year or so. Can you handle this, and can she do it too? It is not that simple. Some times the alternative solutions don't suit. So consider this scenario and any other that 'you' can come up with.

But, this way you know that the baby that will be born is a CANADIAN Baby and the process is simplified. Health care takes care of the Mother's and Baby's needs and you take care of yours. This scenario is good only if she is in a position to travel to Canada soon enough to settle down. Don't forget, it is winter season here and people are secluded to the indoors.


Member since: Jun 08
Posts: 23

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-10 03:59:43

Dear friend, thanx alot for the covering answer. My wife, first born, and myself we are all PR hoders and have landed 2 years ago. And we are due to go back to Canada in October as i said before, so we will be all together ( as i hope ).

It,s ok to have the new baby,s birth certificate and the passport, also applying for the entery visa , but i didnt get exactly what you mean by saying " an entery visa like the one you got first time to come to canada" it took us 3 years to finish the process and get the visa, will it be that long? plz explain.

I am considering the option you,ve mentioned but i am sure it,s not easy for us to have a new born in canada for the first time,,,still thinking it over.

Tax filing, we have the SIN cards, PR cards, OHIP cards already but no house purchasing, no driving license,,,i just hope there,s no much hussle or commuting to and from the reveneu offices, giving the fact that we,ll be having all the trouble of having a new baby in a new country.

I thank you more than alot for your always covered and neat answer, and if you feel like advicing then plz do.

Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-01-10 10:00:52

Originally posted by nverlander

Dear friend, thanx alot for the covering answer. My wife, first born, and myself we are all PR hoders and have landed 2 years ago. And we are due to go back to Canada in October as i said before, so we will be all together ( as i hope ).

It,s ok to have the new baby,s birth certificate and the passport, also applying for the entery visa , but i didnt get exactly what you mean by saying " an entery visa like the one you got first time to come to canada" it took us 3 years to finish the process and get the visa, will it be that long? plz explain.

I thank you more than alot for your always covered and neat answer, and if you feel like advicing then plz do.


After the child is born and you complete the process of obtaining a Passport, after which you will have a number, you have to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa for the child. You have gone through the process before. When you apply, please bear in mind, YOU will have to be WITHIN Canada and the process is done here and then sent to wherever the family is, i.e., your Wife and the other child is residing at. The New born child will have to go through the health check and wait for their approval. Then when the Family Doctor, where ever the child is residing at that time, will have to give you an O.K., to travel to Canada, your wife will bring the new born in and then you can get a PR card for the baby.

Getting a birth certificate.
Having lived outside of Canada after entering, you will need a Police Clearance Certificate for yourselves, if they ask for, from where ever you are staying currently.
Then obtaining a Passport for the baby.
Then you entering Canada and getting a place to reside and having a permanent address for correspondence.
Applying from within Canada with all of the required documents for a PR Visa for the new born Child.
Filling in all of the region sensitive forms, from where ever your wife will be residing.
Then waiting for the process to complete from a location where your wife and the other child will be residing.
Getting the Medical formalities ompleted as required.
Then getting the PP stamped and travel into Canada.

All of these takes time. It will all take place in the future. I am in no position to even venture a guess, because you are the one who will have to do the planning and execute the actions. I might have missed an item or two, so please see the application forms that are on the website and start the process as if you have the child there NOW. Then keep your ears to the ground and listen to what the others are saying as to the time taken NOW and see if it is shortening or getting delayed some where and add more time to it.


Originally posted by nverlander

Tax filing, we have the SIN cards, PR cards, OHIP cards already but no house purchasing, no driving license,,,i just hope there,s no much hussle or commuting to and from the revenue offices, giving the fact that we,ll be having all the trouble of having a new baby in a new country.

I thank you more than alot for your always covered and neat answer, and if you feel like advicing then plz do.


You have applied for and obtained the above mentioned cards. Having obtained them, some of them might make you liable to pay the Canadian Taxes here, as if you were living here in Canada, even though you were out side Canada and earning your living there. Be prepared to pay them, what ever the amount is.

Please check and get a clearance from the Revenue Canada. And be guided by their department.


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