Canada vs Australia

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Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 117
Location: Northern Lights

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-10-12 20:29:42

Hi , I am working in middle east and willing to migrate UK, Canada or Australia
. In middle east the salary is tax free and I can save almost 65 to 75% of my salary while staying with family. Curious to know about income tax comparision between Canada and Australia. Also comparision of child benefits .
I would be thankful to all of you if you share your study / info on this topic

Member since: Mar 11
Posts: 969

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-10-12 09:43:07

Since I am in Canada, I can tell you about Canada but hopefully someone in Australia would log on to "Canadian"desi site and would respond. In anycase please post your findings/comparison.
Middle east and Canada..are like day and night...(you can take literaly)
1) Other than lottery, air and profit on primary home, you are taxed heavily here. Income tax, HST, you will be lucky to save 10-15% of your salary while staying with family.
2) Child benefits, if you are unemployed or employed with lower income better are the child benifits if you are in business of making kids then this the country for you :). But if your income is more then you will get $100 in child benefits per month till the child becomes of age 7 I guess. Even there is tax on that income. so you will get around $60 per month.
3) There is something called as RESP for child's higher education in which govt contributes 20% if you invest by their rules.
4) Many have this perception that medical is free here...and it is free if you think that the tax dollars you are paying are not used towards these.

But despite all these, there is something in this country that will make you love and live here.

TK? (London dekha, aur dekha Japan , saare jag me kahi nahi he dusara Hindustan...) Right?

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-10-12 10:25:32

Did you try usingthe 'search' feature in the 'charcha' ?

I assume not as by simply keying in 'canada' and 'australia' , you will get lots of posts which have compared the two or simply discussed one .

Please try .


Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-10-12 12:08:09

First, check out to see if you are eligible to migrate to Canada. If you have already done that, then also check all the doomsayers' posts about how crappy Canada is to live. This will give you the other sides' perspective.

Regardless, if you are seeking a job, bear in mind, employers will not fall head over heels to give you a job regardless of how glamorous your education / experience might be so far. That's the biggest challenge one faces here and eventually ends up disillusioned about the whole migration.

Other than that, Uncle Google is your saviour for information :)


Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-10-12 13:53:04

My personal opinion? Try for Australia buddy. Economy is at par with Canada (or may be better), but weather is FAR FAR better, unless you really love Snow and/or Rain (Vancouver) for about 6 months of an year.

If I have to re-invent the wheel of my own immigration now, I would choose Australia over Canada anytime.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1853
Location: GTA, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 26-10-12 21:56:26

Its the proximity to USA that brought us to Canada as I had very little information about it.

Just thinking loud, why not try Australia now even after settling in Canada, can't really answer "Why" but "Why not"... small world, why not enjoy living / feeling different worlds...

Originally posted by febpreet

My personal opinion? Try for Australia buddy. Economy is at par with Canada (or may be better), but weather is FAR FAR better, unless you really love Snow and/or Rain (Vancouver) for about 6 months of an year.

If I have to re-invent the wheel of my own immigration now, I would choose Australia over Canada anytime.

The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-10-12 06:15:19

Having researched both Canada and Australia, I can comment as follows :
1. Canada- population 33 million. Australia 20 odd million
2. Canada depends on USA (which is deep recession) and Australia on China (which could slip into recession) and SE Asia. So that odds are that Australia is better at this point in time.
3. Both Canada and Australia are rich in minerals.
4. Canada keeps a lot of refugee's in whereas Australia keeps them out.
5. Australia started immigration more recently than Canada and hence a lot of potential for jobs.
6. In general Canada is better for software than Australia but for other professions Australia is better.
7. There is no fully public health care in Australia as in Canada and hence better management in Australia in terms of money. Canada spend 61 cents or more on each tax dolars on healthcare.
8. Australian climate is much better.
9. Canadian racisim is less as Canadians want to eat your hard earned Outside Canada/ inside Canada income. In Australia they give you good jobs and then subject you to racism.
10. In Australia, you need not pay back your educational loans till you reach a salary of AUS $ 40K (may be now conditions have changed).
11. Australia is more near good destinations like NZ, SE Asia etc.. Canada is near USA only.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

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