How I can get record of travel from Canadian Boarder Services for immigration purposes. Please send me a form or link
Originally posted by rock001
How I can get record of travel from Canadian Boarder Services for immigration purposes. Please send me a form or link
I use Pearson Airport as a point of entry and I need a record from March -2009 till now. In 5 years I hardly traveled twice out of Canada however I need this on a official piece of paper. How I can get it.
This document, a Manifest, gets submitted to the CBSA in one form or other by all of the Transporters in and out of Canada. It contains a lot of pertinent information that you are seeking. In that document your name also appears in the Passenger list. The Citizenship Department might have blanket permission to access such information and you have given them the same, somewhere in your application.
They can access the same to verify your claims to such an absence out of Canada. All they need is your name. But for you, you will need not only your name, but also the Transporters name or flight details and out of which POE. Without very many details that needs to get filled in, there might be other charges associted with it, which you personally will have to bear and time and trouble you will have to go through and endure resulting in unsure outcomes.
You can contact CBSA for their PAXIS REPORTS and they also have the Beyond the Border Plan, which might contain the information that you are seeking. They use your travel identity documents, the records of which are maintained. For this you will have to contact a CBSA office and obtain such information from them. Do remember, all of the officers are not authorized to issue to you such information either over the phone or in print form. Here is one such location and their contact number. Please phone them and explore. : 613-960-1414 . They will need your ID and other written request etc., so have all of the information you have ready and at hand.
ALTERNATELY..: Look into your own Passports that have the stampings at the destinations which you visited, with entry and exit details and attach copies of those pages to substantiate your absence. That will be your best source of information.
Good Luck.
Originally posted by rock001
How I can get record of travel from Canadian Boarder Services for immigration purposes. Please send me a form or link
I want to get it from Canadian Boarder Services to show to judge as a proof of my presence in Canada.
So you got RQ residence questionnaire !
You are trying to provide info which they already have.
I think you need to frame your question right on this forum to get relevant help. There are people here who went thru gruelling of system and will provide you first hand info. CBSA document will not prove nothing, absence from Canada can be proved by the passport stamp, but you need to produce length of documents proving your existence in Canada for past 4 years, bank statements, credit card statements, mortgage, sales purchase doc, health documents, license letter, T4s, academic, if you took some membership, car registration, insurances , rental contracts , employment letters etc.
All the best.
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