Hi All,
My son's Indian passport is expiring in few days. Renewed another son's passport just six months ago.
Both of them are going to get Canadian citizenship very soon, so should I renew his passport now?
Even if renewed we will not be able to use it for single time, as we must surrender it upon acquiring citizenship. It will be like a useless renewing and cancelling three/four months apart.
I am asking this because of having experience of renewal one time, apart from money it is hectic to prepare the documents and craps they are asking for just a minor passport renewal.
What will be the consequences at the time of surrender, if I don't renew it now?
Any insight or experiences appreciated.
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As far as I am aware, there is no need.
As a PR, you have the right to live in Canada, irrespective of your country of origin's passport validity.
So you can wait to apply for the Canadian passport and get the cdn. passport as well as Oci/PIo/Long term visa on it.
There is something known as surrender certificate, which you must get once you get the Cdn. citizenship / Passport. Do it as soon as you can.
But remember that till you get the Cdn. passport, your son may not be able to leave Canada for any urgent travel outside Canada.
Hope this clarifies.
On a sidenote, my friend's Cdn passport expired some 9 months ago (he live in India) and he only sent for the new Cdn. passport some 2 months ago. So everyone thinks like this. No problemo.
Murali The Krishna
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Romba Thanks Murali,
I have gone through the surrender certificate thing for myself when they came up with it years back . So I am aware about that.
We are not traveling until next summer vacation so that is not a problem too.
My main concern was about the Indian consulate slapping any fines etc. for expiry (i.e not renewing on time) at the time of surrender.
Just asking because India's bureaucracy is known for notorious red tape and slothfulness.
Any comments regarding this appreciated.
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