Characteristics of a successful Immigrant

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Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 151

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-09-05 14:08:20

To be a successful Canadian immigrant you need to have the following traits....

1. Dishonesty. - No one appreciates a honest person here. Tell a lie and you'll get ahead.

2. Lack of empathy. You couldn't care less about others? Welcome! You have a bright future in this country. You may have to screw a few people though....

3. Lack of self respect. The way to the manager's office is through the mailroom. You didn't study 18 years to deliver pizza ? You don't wanna work for that moron who dropped out of high school? You don't wanna work for General Dyer's grandson? Mah dear!

4. A value system based on monetary value. A Canadian dollar is 35 Indian rupees. So anything which costs a dollar must be better than anything costing 30 rupees.

5. Good physical appearance. You are tall and fair skinned and know how to dress and carry yourself? Welcome to this country!

6. Lack of individualism. Success in this country belongs to the group. You should belong too. Too bad if you need to sacrifice your beliefs to fit in.

7. Guts. You should be willing to take risks.

8. A very mediocre track record. People here are frightened of success. To get past their initial reluctance you need to seem 'very ordinary'. THIS IS AN ENTRY REQUIREMENT.

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 518
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-09-05 18:06:42

Orginally posted by NorthYorkDesi

To be a successful Canadian immigrant you need to have the following traits....

1. Dishonesty. - No one appreciates a honest person here. Tell a lie and you'll get ahead.

2. Lack of empathy. You couldn't care less about others? Welcome! You have a bright future in this country. You may have to screw a few people though....

3. Lack of self respect. The way to the manager's office is through the mailroom. You didn't study 18 years to deliver pizza ? You don't wanna work for that moron who dropped out of high school? You don't wanna work for General Dyer's grandson? Mah dear!

4. A value system based on monetary value. A Canadian dollar is 35 Indian rupees. So anything which costs a dollar must be better than anything costing 30 rupees.

5. Good physical appearance. You are tall and fair skinned and know how to dress and carry yourself? Welcome to this country!

6. Lack of individualism. Success in this country belongs to the group. You should belong too. Too bad if you need to sacrifice your beliefs to fit in.

7. Guts. You should be willing to take risks.

8. A very mediocre track record. People here are frightened of success. To get past their initial reluctance you need to seem 'very ordinary'. THIS IS AN ENTRY REQUIREMENT.

.i dont agree with this conclusion mann..and still you have chance to go back if you one will stop you to go back and if you dont know value of canadian multiculture than dont try to post stupid survive in this world you need to have some qulification buddy not in canada even in india.


E mere vatan ke logo.............

If you want to do something for our country, just dont support corruption or be part of it

Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 508

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-09-05 21:23:00

Orginally posted by NorthYorkDesi

To be a successful Canadian immigrant you need to have the following traits....

1. Dishonesty. - No one appreciates a honest person here. Tell a lie and you'll get ahead.

2. Lack of empathy. You couldn't care less about others? Welcome! You have a bright future in this country. You may have to screw a few people though....

3. Lack of self respect. The way to the manager's office is through the mailroom. You didn't study 18 years to deliver pizza ? You don't wanna work for that moron who dropped out of high school? You don't wanna work for General Dyer's grandson? Mah dear!

4. A value system based on monetary value. A Canadian dollar is 35 Indian rupees. So anything which costs a dollar must be better than anything costing 30 rupees.

5. Good physical appearance. You are tall and fair skinned and know how to dress and carry yourself? Welcome to this country!

6. Lack of individualism. Success in this country belongs to the group. You should belong too. Too bad if you need to sacrifice your beliefs to fit in.

7. Guts. You should be willing to take risks.

8. A very mediocre track record. People here are frightened of success. To get past their initial reluctance you need to seem 'very ordinary'. THIS IS AN ENTRY REQUIREMENT.


"Progress comes from deviation".

On a side note if anybody finds my comments or posts offensive or irritating please ignore it and if that still bothers you; please write to me and I will demonstrate.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 154
Location: North York, Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-09-05 21:37:29

1. Dishonesty. - No one appreciates a honest person here. Tell a lie and you'll get ahead.

Why only Canada? This applies everywhere. Besides I feel you can be more honest about what you did even if the job you are looking for is not in your field. People that way are really open. So if you have worked as a fork lift operator and now want to move into sales, you can do so if the person feels you have it in you to become a successful salesperson. Try doing the same thing in India for example, and the interviewer will reject you saying you are not remotely connected with the sales field.

Lack of empathy. You couldn't care less about others?

You think people in south east asia have a lot of empathy? What is empathy? you could fall on the road and be lying in the middle of a busy road and no car/bike will halt and try to help you. I have seen this happen innumerable times in Mumbai. And when I stopped my car to help a guy, other car drivers started honking and abusing me for holding up traffic!

A value system based on monetary value. A Canadian dollar is 35 Indian rupees. So anything which costs a dollar must be better than anything costing 30 rupees.
Why do you forget you also earn in dollars. This is a typical desi attitude. When desi's earn in dollars they say they earn X amount of dollars but when they have to spend money they immediately convert into Indian currency and complain how things are prohibitively expensive here! Typical comment i have heard " In India this same thing costs less then half of what it is here"

5. Good physical appearance. You are tall and fair skinned and know how to dress and carry yourself? Welcome to this country!
My friend, if you ar fair skinned in India then your life is made. We are obsessed with fair skin and I am sure you will agree with me on this atleast!
Also, good physical appearence and carryin oneself is wrongly misunderstood as being fair. IT's not that. You could be dark but if you can show attitude, confidence and dress well you will succeed anywhere. Even in India now they put a lot of emphasis on looking good and dressing up well. What is so wrong about dressing well and being presentable?

7. Guts. You should be willing to take risks.
Applies to any country of the world.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 154
Location: North York, Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-09-05 21:38:26

Orginally posted by amitcr

1. Dishonesty. - No one appreciates a honest person here. Tell a lie and you'll get ahead.

Why only Canada? This applies everywhere. Besides I feel you can be more honest about what you did even if the job you are looking for is not in your field. People that way are really open. So if you have worked as a fork lift operator and now want to move into sales, you can do so if the person feels you have it in you to become a successful salesperson. Try doing the same thing in India for example, and the interviewer will reject you saying you are not remotely connected with the sales field.

Lack of empathy. You couldn't care less about others?

You think people in south east asia have a lot of empathy? What is empathy? you could fall on the road and be lying in the middle of a busy road and no car/bike will halt and try to help you. I have seen this happen innumerable times in Mumbai. And when I stopped my car to help a guy, other car drivers started honking and abusing me for holding up traffic!

A value system based on monetary value. A Canadian dollar is 35 Indian rupees. So anything which costs a dollar must be better than anything costing 30 rupees.
Why do you forget you also earn in dollars. This is a typical desi attitude. When desi's earn in dollars they say they earn X amount of dollars but when they have to spend money they immediately convert into Indian currency and complain how things are prohibitively expensive here! Typical comment i have heard " In India this same thing costs less then half of what it is here"

5. Good physical appearance. You are tall and fair skinned and know how to dress and carry yourself? Welcome to this country!
My friend, if you ar fair skinned in India then your life is made. We are obsessed with fair skin and I am sure you will agree with me on this atleast!
Also, good physical appearence and carryin oneself is wrongly misunderstood as being fair. IT's not that. You could be dark but if you can show attitude, confidence and dress well you will succeed anywhere. Even in India now they put a lot of emphasis on looking good and dressing up well. What is so wrong about dressing well and being presentable?

7. Guts. You should be willing to take risks.
Applies to any country of the world.

Member since: Mar 05
Posts: 454
Location: London, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-09-05 22:27:14

Orginally posted by NorthYorkDesi

6. Lack of individualism. Success in this country belongs to the group. You should belong too. Too bad if you need to sacrifice your beliefs to fit in.

8. A very mediocre track record. People here are frightened of success. To get past their initial reluctance you need to seem 'very ordinary'. THIS IS AN ENTRY REQUIREMENT.

6. Yes . We have to lose our individual status and become part of a group and do things we have not done or do them in a different manner which is not always to our liking

7. Definite YES . Inspite of many skilled immigrants struggling for jobs, I saw that most of them selected in jobs were really mediocre. I do not know why. Maybe a manager does not want a smarter person under him who could usurp his position . May be they prefer mediocre persons who just understand the instructions and follow them ... may be ..
Mayb et

Non illigitamus carborundum

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