No babail.... dont criticize Gandhi...
The only right way is the way that works..and it worked for us....
He was the key in getting our independence....
When one man is having gun and we only have swords that is the best way other than dying...
He may have made mistakes..but he was just human and i do believe he did the best he can ....
Read panchatantra...
When u face a far superior enemy (in technology)..u dont fight...
u fight only ur equals and below...
The End result is More important after all ...
Dinesh C
hi dineshc
it's a matter of opinion. You have yours and I have mine. Nothing wrong about that.
There were other ppl. who were fighting too, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar, Jhansi ki Rani etc, how can we put their efforts to zero saying what Gandhi did was right. Independence wasn't because of Gandhi alone. Each day there were more followers of great freedom fighters like Bose (who died in a very controversial manner) and the britishers were getting afraid day by day because of these fighting ppl not ppl like Gandhi. Yes they write it was Gandhi, but really more and more ppl. were becoming voilent and they knew they didn't have enough ppl. to control the whole of India. In reality they were more afraid of the voilent ppl. not Gandhi, because they knew it was a matter of few more yrs, they'll be wiped out by the aggression in these ppl.
Naturally eventually everything will work. U could open the vedas and read and read about law of gravitation or sit around for 4000 yrs more for another person to see an apple fall down and come to the same conclusion. What's the sense of wasting all that time.
Read Bhagwad Gita, a person who doesn't fight for a just cause is a sinner. A person who allows sin to happen and just stands there like a coward and says let them do it we will not raise our hand is a coward.
Its better to die in a battle for a cause than to sit there and see ppl. being killed around you. It's good to try to solve things peacefully but if it doesn't work don't keep on taking crap.
The part of panchatantra which you quoted if I remember it clearly or maybe I read it somewhere else, don't fight that person on that ground. Retreat and define a new strategy and fight him on ur grounds and you will win. Also you can't become superior by sitting hand on hand practising non voilence when everyone is practising voilence. What gave India to make Vajpayee the most famous person for 1999-2000 because ppl. admired him for his guts to stand up and do the blasts. Not like Congress who have always been just words. I remember the youth were so happy about it. Made them feel proud. Everytime Agni, Trishul were tested their happiness went up knowing our country is something. What made millions of Indian's to send support to India when US and some other countries put trade restrictions and support to India after the blasts. Everyone single person felt proud of India at that time. Or maybe you have forgotten about it. It's not about war or terror, it's about saying we can stand up for ourselves.
Babail's quote
" Had America not bombed Japan WW2 could have continued more yrs."
you are wrong in this one. Japan was already defeated and was to decalre it.
America bombed them for 2 reasons
1. To take revenge for pearl harbour
2. To show russia that it has atomic weapons and to show the might of America. It was a warning to russia to curtail their war ambitions.
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
yeah i have read gita..
but all our violent fighters did nothing other than dying... yeah they did give up their lifes ..but for what? what was the result?
a person who fights foolishly is stupid...
read mahabharatha..they wait till they have formed as much strength as they can before they fought..the pandavas dint try to take all of the enemies alone
and i just wanted to say gandhi did do what he did with all there is no need to disrespect him..yeah he could have done a lottttttt better..but we know now..after several generations we look back and kind see his mistakes easily..but if u/i was in his position?
Dinesh C
there is big gap between "has" and "was"
Russia was with the allies. So what war was Russia looking forward too??
And it was not to curtail Russia's war ambition, it was the ambition of US to be the first one to burst a Atomic weapon.
Though Russia was with the allies, the allies knew that this partnership was just to defeat hitler who was trying to conqur russia on Germany's eastern front.
History says that america wanted to indicate to russia not to gain territories by agreession both on its western and eastern front.
Remember that Stalin was a dictator and he had killed more number of people in Russia than.... (there was a statistics but i donot remember that now) i.e. he has killed a significant number of his own citizens. Stalin's father was a drunkard and he used to beat stalin and his mother daily
I am a Gents and not a Ladies.
Orginally posted by babail
Russia was with the allies. So what war was Russia looking forward too??
"Progress comes from deviation".
On a side note if anybody finds my comments or posts offensive or irritating please ignore it and if that still bothers you; please write to me and I will demonstrate.
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